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Cost accounting

[Type here]Course Name: Cost Accounting
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Course Code: ACCT 301
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Semester: Second
Academic Year: 1445 H
• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or
other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
• All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.
No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism.
Assignment Question(s):
(Marks 15)
Q1. Explain the role of accounting information in strategic management. How does accounting
information assist in the formulation and implementation of organizational strategies? Support
your answer by providing an example of one Saudi Company in this regard.
(2 Marks)
Note: Your answer must include a suitable example showing the role of accounting information in
strategic management of an organization.
(Chapter 1, Week 1)
Q2. What do you mean by cost function and for what purpose does it serve for? What are the
various methods used to estimate cost functions? Explain each method with suitable numerical
(3 Marks) (Chapter 2, Week 2)
[Type here]
Q3. “Job costing is a method of cost accounting used by companies to find out the cost of specific
jobs or projects.” Comment on this statement and examine how actual allocation rates and
estimated allocation rates are analyzed by the companies? Support your answer with an example
of one Saudi company that use job costing.
(2 Marks) (Chapter 5, week 4 )
Cost Management
Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance
Chapter 5
Job Costing
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Chapter 5: Job Costing
Eldenburg & Wolcott’s Cost Management, 2e
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Chapter 5: Job Costing
Learning objectives

Q1: How are costs assigned to customized goods and services?

Q2: How is overhead allocated to individual jobs?

Q3: How does job costing information affect managers’
incentives and decisions?

Q4: How are spoilage, rework, and scrap handled in job costing?

Q5: What are the quality and behavioral implications of
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Q1: Job Costing versus Process Costing
• Used when products can be
distinguished from one
• Used when similar products
are mass produced
• Includes characteristics of
both job and process costing
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Q1: Job Costing versus Process Costing
Job Costing
Process Costing
Fewer units
Many units
Readily identifiable
Job or batch
Same as the # of
Cost object
# of WIP
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Q1: Assigning Costs to Jobs
Cost Tracing
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Cost Allocation
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Q1: Job Cost Records
Each job’s costs are maintained on a job cost record.
The job cost records form the subsidiary ledger for
Work in process inventory.
Date Dir. Materials Dir. Labor Overhead
This information comes
from Materials
Requisition Forms
Overhead costs must be
allocated to each job
This information comes
from Labor Time Reports
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Q2: Allocating Overhead Costs to Jobs

Direct costs are traced to the individual jobs using
source documents.

Overhead costs are indirect and cannot be traced
to individual jobs; they must be allocated.

An overhead allocation base must be chosen.

The overhead allocation base should be some
measure of activity; it should be a reasonably
good cost driver for overhead costs.
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Q2: Steps in Allocating Overhead
1. Identify the relevant cost object.
2. Identify one or more overhead cost pools and
allocation bases.
3. For each overhead cost pool, calculate an
overhead allocation rate.
4. For each overhead cost pool, allocate costs to the
cost object.
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Q2: Overhead Allocation Rates

Companies may use an actual or an estimated
overhead allocation rate.
Actual allocation rate =

Actual overhead cost
Actual quantity of the allocation base
The actual allocation rate cannot be
computed until the accounting period is over.
Estimated allocation rate =

Estimated overhead cost
Estimated quantity of the allocation base
The estimated allocation rate can be computed at
the beginning of the accounting period (normal
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Q2: Overhead Allocation Rates
Chausse Manufacturing makes road paving equipment. At the
beginning of the year, overhead costs were estimated to be $450,000.
However, actual overhead was $504,000. Chausse uses direct labor
hours as the cost allocation base. At the beginning of the year, total
direct labor hours were estimated at 10,000 hours, but actual direct
labor hours for the year totaled 12,000 hours. Compute the actual
overhead rate and the estimated overhead rate.
Actual allocation rate =
= $42/hr
12,000 hours
Estimated allocation rate =
= $45/hr
10,000 hours
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Q2: Actual and Normal Costing
Direct costs
Indirect costs
Actual Costing Normal Costing
Actual costs
Actual costs
Actual rate
Estimated rate
x actual usage x actual usage
of cost
of cost
allocation base allocation base
In normal costing, annual budgeted rates are used
• smoothing effect on numerator
• smoothing effect on denominator
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Q2: Job Costing Example (Service Sector)
Serena-Sturm is an architectural firm with a professional staff of 5 architects
and a support staff of 7. Some projects are done for a fixed fee, while
others are billed for the actual hours spent on the project. You are given the
following information for Serena-Sturm (SS) for 2005. What is the
estimated indirect cost rate if # of projects is used as the cost allocation
base? Is this a good choice for the cost allocation base?
Direct Costs:
Professional labor costs
Professional labor hours
Professional labor rate/hour
Indirect Costs:
Designers, drafters
Office costs
Office salaries & wages
Travel & entertainment
Total indirect costs
Other Information:
Number of projects
Number of blueprints prepared
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Estimated indirect cost rate =
$450,000/1,000 projects =
Terrible choice for a cost
allocation base; ignores
resource consumption of
the projects.
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Q2: Job Costing Example (Service Sector)
SS has a costing system with a single direct cost pool. If SS uses a single
indirect cost pool, determine both the estimated and actual indirect cost
rates using (a) number of professional labor hours and (b) number of
blueprints prepared as cost allocation bases.
Direct Costs:
Professional labor costs
Professional labor hours
Professional labor rate/hour
Indirect Costs:
Designers, drafters
Office costs
Office salaries & wages
Travel & entertainment
Total indirect costs
Other Information:
Number of projects
Number of blueprints prepared
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Potential Cost
Allocation Base
labor hours
12,000 hrs
= $42/hr
10,000 hrs
= $45/hr
Number of
4,000 bpts
= $126/bpt
3,600 bpts
= $125/bpt
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Q2: Job Costing Example (Service Sector)
SS was asked to prepare a fixed fee bid for an out-of-town project called
The Culebra Complex. The budgeted professional hours for this project
was 400, and the job is expected to require the preparation of 7 blueprints.
Compute the budgeted project cost using (a) professional labor hours and
(b) number of blue prints prepared as a cost driver for indirect costs.
Potential Cost
Allocation Base
labor hours
Number of
Cost Allocation Base
Number of
labor hours
Direct costs
$40/hr x
400 hrs =
$40/hr x
400 hrs =
Indirect costs
$45/hr x
400 hrs =
$125/bpt x
7 bpts =
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Q2: Why Are Costs so Different?
Why do the different cost allocation bases yield vastly different project costs?
Direct Costs:
Professional labor costs
Professional labor hours
Professional labor rate/hour
Indirect Costs:
Designers, drafters
Office costs
Office salaries & wages
Travel & entertainment
Total indirect costs
Other Information:
Number of projects
Number of blueprints prepared
Direct costs
Indirect costs
Cost Allocation Base
Number of
labor hours
If professional labor hours is a good
measure of activity, then this project is
expected to be 400 hrs/10,000 hrs, or
4% of the year’s activity.
If # of blueprints is a good measure of activity, then this project is
expected to be 7 bpts/3,600 bpts, or less than 0.2% of the year’s activity.
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Q2: Job Costing in Manufacturing
Logo lamps makes desk lamps stamped with the customer’s logo.
Shipping & Receiving
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Finished Goods
Sheet Metal
Inspection &
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Q2: Journal Entries in Job Costing
• Flow of costs matches flow of the goods through
the factory
• Source documents used to update accounts for
direct costs
• Normal costing is used, so overhead is charged to
jobs based on estimated overhead rates
• Overhead cost control is a temporary account
used in normal costing
• debit Overhead cost control for actual overhead costs
• credit Overhead cost control when overhead allocated to WIP
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Q2: Flow of Costs in Job Costing
Shipping & Receiving
When raw materials
Finished Goods
are received, costs
are debited to raw Storage
materials inventory;
Sheet Metal no distinction between
Inspection &
direct and indirect Packing
materials is made at
this stage.
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Q2: Flow of Costs in Job Costing
Shipping & Receiving
When raw materials are sent to the
Goods costs
factory floor, direct
Storage forms) are
(per materials requisition
debited to Work in process inventory.
Sheet Metal
Indirect materials Inspection
costs are&debited to
Overhead cost
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Q2: Flow of Costs in Job Costing
When Shipping
labor costs
are incurred, direct
& Receiving
labor costs (per time records) are
debited to Work in process inventory.
Finished Goods
StorageIndirect labor costs are debited
Overhead cost control.
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Sheet Metal
Inspection &
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Q2: Flow of Costs in Job Costing
Shipping & Receiving
When a Materials
job is completed,
costs are removed from WIP
inventory and transferred to
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Finished Goods
Inspection &
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Q2: Flow of Costs in Job Costing
Shipping & Receiving
When a job is shipped to a
customer, costs
are removed
from FG inventory and
transferred to CGS;
Sheet Metal
The revenue
Stampingand the
Finished Goods
Inspection &
receivable are also recorded.
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Q2: Journal Entries in Job Costing
The materials storeroom receives a shipment of direct and
indirect materials that cost $12,500. Prepare the journal entry.
Raw materials inventory
Accounts payable
Materials are sent to the stamping and assembly areas. The
cost of the direct materials is $1,400 and the cost of the
indirect materials is $800. Prepare the journal entry.
Work in process inventory
Overhead cost control
Raw materials inventory
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Q2: Journal Entries in Job Costing
Wages totaling $2,000 are accrued; 75% of these costs are
direct labor and 25% are indirect labor. Prepare the journal
Work in process inventory
Overhead cost control
Wages Payable
Overhead costs are allocated to work in process using an
allocation rate of 200% of direct labor costs. Prepare the
journal entry.
Work in process inventory
Overhead cost control
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Q2: Journal Entries in Job Costing
Job #1208, with a total cost of $2,200 is completed. Prepare
the journal entry.
Finished goods inventory
Work in process inventory
Job #1208 is shipped to the customer, who is billed for $4,000.
Prepare the journal entry.
Accounts receivable
Cost of goods sold
Finished goods inventory
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Q2: Disposition of Misallocated Overhead
• Under normal costing, actual overhead is different
from allocated overhead.
• Misallocated overhead is the difference between
actual and allocated overhead.
• At the end of the year, the Overhead cost control
account is closed out to WIP, FG & CGS.
• Misallocated overhead (if material) is prorated to
the 3 accounts based on a ratio of their account
balances; if immaterial it is closed to CGS.
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Q2: Disposition of Misallocated Overhead
Suppose budgeted overhead was $100,000 fixed overhead plus variable
overhead of $10/DL hour. Expected DL hours were 50,00, so that the
estimated overhead rate was $12/DL hour. Actual DL hours totaled 40,000
for the year and actual overhead was $550,000. At the end of the year,
WIP, FG & CGS had the account balances shown below. Prepare the yearend entry to close the Overhead cost control account.
$ 100,000 5%
200,000 10%
1,700,000 85%
Overhead cost control
Work in process inventory
Finished goods inventory
Cost of goods sold
Overhead cost control
$480,000 ($12/DL hr x 40,000 DL hrs)
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Q3: Uses & Limitations of Job Costing Information
• Job cost information is used for

Financial statement preparation
Income tax returns
Bidding for jobs
Comparing expected to actual costs (diagnostic control)
• Job cost information may not be useful for nonroutine short term decision making as allocated
fixed costs may not be relevant
• Accountant’s judgment is used to determine:

Direct vs. allocated costs
Type and number of overhead pools
Type of cost driver
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage – Terminology
• Spoilage – unacceptable units that are discarded or
sold for disposal costs
– Normal spoilage arises under efficient operating
conditions & is treated as an inventoriable cost
– Abormal spoilage is not part of normal operations & is
treated as a period cost
• Reworked units – unacceptable units that are
reprocessed and sold
• Scrap – left over direct materials that are discarded
or sold for a minimal amount
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage
In job costing, spoilage could be normal spoilage that
coincidentally occurred on this job, but was not due to
any demanding aspects of this job
– spoilage costs removed from Work in process inventory
– spoilage costs are debited to Overhead cost control
– in this case a job without spoilage has the same
manufacturing cost per unit as a job where spoilage
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage
In job costing, spoilage could be abnormal spoilage
that coincidentally occurred on this job, but was not
due to any demanding aspects of this job
– spoilage costs removed from Work in process inventory
– spoilage costs are debited to Loss from abnormal
– in this case a job without spoilage has the same
manufacturing cost per unit as a job where spoilage
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage
In job costing, spoilage could be spoilage that
occurred on this job due to the job’s demanding
– spoilage costs are not removed from Work in process
– in this case a job without spoilage has a lower
manufacturing cost per unit than a job where this type of
spoilage occurred
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage Example
On January 1 Leia Corp. budgeted the following factory overhead:
Factory rent
Leia expected to use 28,000 DL hours this
year; overhead is allocated to WIP using
Normal spoilage
DL hours. Job #3 shows total costs of
$12,200. An inspection reveals that 20%
of Job #3 must be scrapped and sold for $100. Prepare the journal entry to record
the spoilage and the sale of the scrap if the spoilage is considered normal and is not
due to the demanding specifications of Job #3. If Job #3 was originally a batch of
10,000 units, what is the manufacturing cost per unit for the good units in Job #3?
Overhead cost control
Work in process inventory
(20% x $12,200)
Mfg cost/unit = ($12,200 – $2,440)/8,000 good units = $1.22/unit.
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage Example
On January 1 Leia Corp. budgeted the following factory overhead:
Factory rent
Leia expected to use 28,000 DL hours this
year; overhead is allocated to WIP using
Normal spoilage
DL hours. Job #3 shows total costs of
$12,200. An inspection reveals that 20%
of Job #3 must be scrapped and sold for $100. Prepare the journal entry to record
the spoilage and the sale of the scrap if the spoilage is considered abnormal. If Job
#3 was originally a batch of 10,000 units, what is the manufacturing cost per unit for
the good units in Job #3?
Loss from abnormal spoilage 2,340
Work in process inventory
(20% x $12,200)
Mfg cost/unit = ($12,200 – $2,440)/8,000 good units = $1.22/unit.
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Q4: Job Costing and Spoilage Example
On January 1 Leia Corp. budgeted the following factory overhead:
Factory rent
Leia expected to use 28,000 DL hours this
year; overhead is allocated to WIP using
Normal spoilage
DL hours. Job #3 shows total costs of
$12,200. An inspection reveals that 20%
of Job #3 must be scrapped and sold for $100. Prepare the journal entry to record
the spoilage and the sale of the scrap if the spoilage occurred to the demanding
specifications of Job #3. If Job #3 was originally a batch of 10,000 units, what is the
manufacturing cost per unit for the good units in Job #3?
Work in process inventory
Mfg cost/unit = ($12,200 – $100)/8,000 good units = $1.5125/unit.
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Q5: Effect of Spoilage Accounting
on Manager Behavior
• If spoilage costs are ignored, there is no incentive
for managers to control these costs.
• If company has a zero defect policy, all spoilage is
considered abnormal; the loss on the income
statement may force managers to control spoilage.
• If rework costs are not accounted for separately,
managers may rework units that should be
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Cost Management
Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance
Chapter 2
The Cost Function
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
Learning objectives

Q1: What are the different ways to describe cost behavior?

Q2: What process is used to estimate future costs?

Q3: How are engineered estimates, account analysis, and
two-point methods used to estimate cost functions?

Q4: How does a scatter plot assist with categorizing a cost?

Q5: How is regression analysis used to estimate a cost

Q6: How are cost estimates used in decision making?
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Different Ways to Describe Costs
• Costs can be defined by how they relate to a cost
object, which is defined as any thing or activity for
which we measure costs.
• Costs can also be categorized as to how they are
used in decision making.
• Costs can also be distinguished by the way they
change as activity or volume levels change.
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Assigning Costs to a Cost Object
Cost Assignment
Determining the costs that should attach to a cost object is
called cost assignment.
cost tracing
Direct costs are
easily traced to the
cost object.
Indirect costs are
not easily traced to
the cost object, and
must be allocated.
cost allocation
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Direct and Indirect Costs
• In manufacturing:
• all materials costs that are easily traced to the product are called
direct material costs
• all labor costs that are easily traced to the product are called direct
labor costs
• all other production costs are called overhead costs
• Whether or not a cost is a direct cost depends upon:
• the definition of the cost object
• the precision of the bookkeeping system that tracks costs
• the technology available to capture cost information
• whether the benefits of tracking the cost as direct exceed the
resources expended to track the cost
• the nature of the operations that produce the product or service
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Linear Cost Behavior Terminology
• Total fixed costs are costs that do not change (in
total) as activity levels change.
• Total variable costs are costs that increase (in total)
in proportion to the increase in activity levels.
• Total costs equal total fixed costs plus total variable
• The relevant range is the span of activity levels for
which the cost behavior patterns hold.
• A cost driver is a measure of activity or volume
level; increases in a cost driver cause total costs to
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Behavior of Total (Linear) Costs
Total Costs
If costs are linear, then total costs
graphically look like this.
Cost Driver
Total Fixed Costs
Total fixed costs do not change as the cost
driver increases.
Higher total fixed costs are higher above
the x axis.
Cost Driver
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Q1: Behavior of Total (Linear) Costs
Total Costs
If costs are linear, then total costs
graphically look like this.
Cost Driver
Total Variable Costs
Total variable costs increase as the cost
driver increases.
A steeper slope represents higher variable
costs per unit of the cost driver.
Cost Driver
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Q1: Total Versus Per-unit (Average) Cost Behavior
Total Variable Costs
If total variable costs look
like this . . .
slope = $m/unit
Cost Driver
Per-Unit Variable Costs
. . . then variable costs per
unit look like this.
Cost Driver
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Q1: Total Versus Per-Unit (Average) Cost Behavior
Total Fixed Costs
If total fixed costs look
like this . . .
Cost Driver
Per-Unit Fixed Costs
. . . then fixed costs per
unit look like this.
Cost Driver
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Q1: Total Versus Per-Unit (Average) Cost Behavior
Lari’s Leather produces customized motorcycle jackets. The leather for
one jacket costs $50, and Lari rents a shop for $450/month. Compute the
total costs per month and the average cost per jacket if she made only
one jacket per month. What if she made 10 jackets per month?
Average variable costs are constant
1 Jacket Total variable costs go up 10 Jackets
Total Average
Costs/ Cost/
Month Jacket
Total Average
Costs/ Cost/
Month Jacket
Total fixed costs are constant
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Average fixed costs go down
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Q1: The Cost Function
When costs are linear, the cost function is:
TC = F + V x Q, where
F = total fixed cost, V = variable cost per unit of the cost
driver, and Q = the quantity of the cost driver.
Total Costs
The intercept is the total fixed cost.
The slope is the variable cost per
unit of the cost driver.
slope = $V/unit of cost driver
Cost Driver
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A cost that includes a fixed cost
element and a variable cost
element is known as a mixed cost.
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Nonlinear Cost Behavior
Sometimes nonlinear costs exhibit linear cost behavior over a
range of the cost driver. This is the relevant range of activity.
intercept = total fixed costs
slope = variable cost per
unit of cost driver
Cost Driver
Relevant Range
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Stepwise Linear Cost Behavior
Some costs are fixed at one level for one range of activity and
fixed at another level for another range of activity. These are
known as stepwise linear costs.
Total Supervisor Salaries Cost in $1000s
Example: A production
supervisor makes
$40,000 per year and
the factory can produce
100,000 units annually
for each 8-hour shift it
Number of units produced, in 1000s
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Piecewise Linear Cost Behavior
Some variable costs per unit are constant at one level for one
range of activity and constant at another level for another
range of activity. These are known as piecewise linear costs.
Total Materials Costs
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Example: A supplier
sells us raw materials
at $9/gallon for the first
1000 gallons, $8/gallon
for the second 1000
gallons, and at
$7.50/gallon for all
gallons purchased over
2000 gallons.
Gallons purchased
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q1: Cost Terms for Decision Making
• In Chapter 1 we learned the distinction between
relevant and irrelevant cash flows.
• Opportunity costs are the benefits of an alternative
one gives up when that alternative is not chosen.
• Opportunity costs are difficult to measure because they
are associated with something that did not occur.
• Opportunity costs are always relevant in decision
• Sunk costs are costs that were incurred in the past.
• Sunk costs are never relevant for decision making.
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Slide # 16
Q1: Cost Terms for Decision Making
• Discretionary costs are periodic costs incurred for
activities that management may or may not
determine are worthwhile.
• These costs may be variable or fixed costs.
• Discretionary costs are relevant for decision making
only if they vary across the alternatives under
• Marginal cost is the incremental cost of producing
the next unit.
• When costs are linear and the level of activity is within
the relevant range, marginal cost is the same as
variable cost per unit.
• Marginal costs are often relevant in decision making.
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Q2: What Process is Used to Estimate
Future Costs?
Past costs are often used to estimate future,
non-discretionary, costs. In these instances,
one must also consider:
• whether the past costs are relevant to the
decision at hand
• whether the future cost behavior is likely to
mimic the past cost behavior
• whether the past fixed and variable cost
estimates are likely to hold in the future
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Q3: Engineered Estimates of Cost Functions
• Use accountants, engineers, employees, and/or
consultants to analyze the resources used in the
activities required to complete a product, service,
or process.
• For example, a company making inflatable rubber
kayaks would estimate some of the following:
• the amount and cost of the rubber required
• the amount and cost of labor required in the cutting department

the amount and cost of labor required in the assembly department
overhead costs and the best cost allocation base to use
the selling costs, including commissions and advertising
the distribution costs
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Q3: Account Analysis Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
• Review past costs in the general ledger and past
activity levels to determine each cost’s past
• For example, a company producing clay wine
goblets might review its records and find:
• the cost of clay is piecewise linear with respect to the number of
pounds of clay purchased
• skilled production labor is variable with respect to the number of
goblets produced
• unskilled production labor is mixed, and the variable portion varies
with respect to the number of times the kiln is operated
• production supervisors’ salary costs are stepwise linear
• distribution costs are mixed, with the variable portion dependent
upon the number of retailers ordering goblets
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Q3: Example – Account Analysis Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
•The table on the right
contains the
expenditures for Scott
Manufacturing during the
last year.
•100,000 units were
produced and sold
•$500,000 of sales
revenue was recorded
1. Determine the cost
function using units
produced as the
2. Repeat using sales
dollars as the driver
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Direct Materials
Direct Labor
Property Tax
Power & Light
Admin Salaries
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q3: Example – Account Analysis Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
• Steps in estimating a cost function using account
– Separate fixed and variable costs
– Total the fixed costs
– Total the variable costs
– Calculate a variable cost per driver
– Write out the cost function
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q3: Solution – Account Analysis Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
Direct Materials
Direct Labor
Property Tax
Cost Function on Dollars:
TC = FC + VC/Sales $ * Sales $
TC = $285,000 + ($0.20) * Sales $
Power & Light
Admin Salaries
1,000,000 285,000
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Cost Function on Units:
TC = FC + VC/Unit * Qty
TC = $285,000 + ($10/unit) * Qty
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Q3: Two-Point Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
• Use the information contained in two past
observations of cost and activity to separate
mixed and variable costs.
• It is much easier and less costly to use than the
account analysis or engineered estimate of cost
methods, but:
• it estimates only mixed cost functions,
• it is not very accurate, and
• it can grossly misrepresent costs if the data points
come from different relevant ranges of activity
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Q3: Example – Two-Point Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
In July the Gibson Co. incurred total overhead costs of $58,000 and
made 6,200 units. In December it produced 3,200 units and total
overhead costs were $40,000. What are the total fixed factory costs per
month and average variable factory costs?
We first need to determine V, using the equation for the slope of a line.
rise/run = $58,000 – $40,000
6,200 – 3,200 units
= $18,000/3,000 units
= $6/unit
Then, using TC = F + V x Q, and one
of the data points, determine F.
$58,000 = F + $6/unit x 6,200 units
$58,000 = F + $37,200
$20,800 = F
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Q3: High-Low Method of
Estimating a Cost Function
• The high-low method is a two-point method
• the two data points used to estimate costs are
observations with the highest and the lowest
activity levels
• The extreme points for activity levels may not
be representative of costs in the relevant
• this method may underestimate total fixed costs
and overestimate variable costs per unit,
• or vice versa.
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q4: How Does a Scatterplot
Assist with Categorizing a Cost?
• A scatterplot shows cost observations plotted
against levels of a possible cost driver.
• A scatterplot can assist in determining:
• which cost driver might be the best for
analyzing total costs, and
• the cost behavior of the cost against the
potential cost driver.
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q4: Which Cost Driver Has the Best
Cause & Effect Relationship with Total Cost?
8 observations of total selling expenses plotted against 3 potential cost drivers
# units sold
# customers
The number of salespersons
appears to be the best cost
driver of the 3.
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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# salespersons
Slide # 28
Q4: What is the Underlying Cost Behavior?
This cost is probably linear and fixed.
# units sold
This cost is
probably linear and
# units sold
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Q4: What is the Underlying Cost Behavior?
This cost is probably linear and mixed.
# units sold
This is likely a
stepwise linear
# units sold
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Q4: What is the Underlying Cost Behavior?
This cost may be piecewise linear.
# units sold
This cost appears to
have a nonlinear
relationship with units
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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# units sold
Slide # 31
Q5: How is Regression Analysis Used to
Estimate a Mixed Cost Function?
• Regression analysis estimates the parameters for a linear
relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent (explanatory) variables.
• When there is only one independent variable, it is called
simple regression.
• When there is more than one independent variable, it is
called multiple regression.
α and β are the parameters;
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is the error term (or residual)
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q5: How is Regression Analysis Used to
Estimate a Mixed Cost Function?
We can use regression to separate the fixed and
variable components of a mixed cost.
Yi = α + β Xi +
the predicted total cost for
Xi and the actual total cost
for observation i
Yi is the
actual total
costs for
data point i
Xi is the actual quantity
of the cost driver for
data point i
the intercept
term is total
fixed costs
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i is the difference between
the slope
term is the
variable cost
per unit
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q5: Regression Output Terminology:
Adjusted R-Square
• Goodness of fit
• How well does the line from the regression output fit the
actual data points?
• The adjusted R-square statistic shows the percentage
of variation in the Y variable that is explained by the
regression equation.
• The next slide has an illustration of how a regression
equation can explain the variation in a Y variable.
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Q5: Regression Output Terminology:
Adjusted R-Square
Values of Y by Observation #
Observation #
• We have 29 observations of a Y variable, and the average of the Y variables is
• If we plot them in order of the observation number, there is no discernable pattern.
• We have no explanation as to why the observations vary about the average of
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Q5: Regression Output Terminology:
Adjusted R-Square
If each Y value had an
associated X value, then we
could reorder the Y
observations along the X axis
according to the value of the
associated X.
100,000 Values of Y by X Value
Now we can measure how the Y observations vary from the “line of
best fit” instead of from the average of the Y observations. Adjusted RSquare measures the portion of Y’s variation about its mean that is
explained by Y’s relationship to X.
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Q5: Regression Output Terminology:
p-value and t-statistic.
• Statistical significance of regression coefficients
• When running a regression we are concerned about
whether the “true” (unknown) coefficients are non-zero.
• Did we get a non-zero intercept (or slope coefficient) in
the regression output only because of the particular
data set we used?
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Q5: Regression Output Terminology:
p-value and t-statistic.
• The t-statistic and the p-value both measure our
confidence that the true coefficient is non-zero.
• In general, if the t-statistic for the intercept (slope) term
> 2, we can be about 95% confident (at least) that the
true intercept (slope) term is not zero.
• The p-value is more precise
• it tells us the probability that the true coefficient
being estimated is zero
• if the p-value is less than 5%, we are more than
95% confident that the true coefficient is non-zero.
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Slide # 38
Q5: Interpreting Regression Output
Suppose we had 16 observations of total costs and activity levels
(measured in machine hours) for each total cost. If we regressed the total
costs against the machine hours, we would get . . .
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square 0.768
Standard Error
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
2937 64.59 45.47 1.31E-16
Machine Hours 5.215 0.734 7.109 5.26E-06
The coefficients give you the parameters of the estimated cost function.
Predicted total costs = $2,937 + ($5.215/mach hr) x (# of mach hrs)
Total fixed costs are
estimated at $2,937.
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Variable costs per machine
hour are estimated at $5.215.
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Q5: Interpreting Regression Output
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square 0.768
Standard Error
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
2937 64.59 45.47 1.31E-16
Machine Hours 5.215 0.734 7.109 5.26E-06
The regression line explains
76.8% of the variation in the total
cost observations.
(5.26E-06 means 5.26 x 10-6,
or 0.00000526)
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The high t-statistics . . .
. . . and the low p-values on
both of the regression
parameters tell us that the
intercept and the slope
coefficient are “statistically
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Slide # 40
Q5: Regression Interpretation Example
Carole’s Coffee asked you to help determine its cost function for its chain
of coffee shops. Carole gave you 16 observations of total monthly costs
and the number of customers served in the month. The data is presented
below, and the a portion of the output from the regression you ran is
presented on the next slide. Help Carole interpret this output.
Costs Customers
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Carole’s Coffee – Total Monthly Costs
Customers Served
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Slide # 41
Q5: Regression Interpretation Example
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square 0.8158
Coefficients Error t Stat
Standard Error
4985.6 Intercept
4634 2614 1.7723 0.0980879
16 Customers 1.388 0.169 8.2131 1.007E-06
What is Carole’s estimated cost function? In a store that serves 10,000
customers, what would you predict for the store’s total monthly costs?
Predicted total costs = $4,634 + ($1.388/customer) x (# of customers)
Predicted total
costs at 10,000
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$4,634 + ($1.388/customer) x 10,000 customers
Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Slide # 42
Q5: Regression Interpretation Example
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square 0.8158
Coefficients Error t Stat
Standard Error
4985.6 Intercept
4634 2614 1.7723 0.0980879
16 Customers 1.388 0.169 8.2131 1.007E-06
What is the explanatory power of this model? Are the coefficients
statistically significant or not? What does this mean about the cost function?
The model
The slope coefficient is
explains 81.58%significantly different from zero.
of the variation This means we can be pretty
in total costs, sure that the true cost function
which is pretty includes nonzero variable costs
per customer.
The intercept is not
significantly different
from zero. There’s a
9.8% probability that
the true fixed costs are
*(Some would say the intercept is significant as long as the p-value is less than 10%, rather than 5%.)
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Slide # 43
Q6: Considerations When Using
Estimates of Future Costs
• The future is always unknown, so there are
uncertainties when estimating future costs.
• The estimated cost function may have misspecified the cost behavior.
• The cost function may be using an incorrect cost
• Future cost behavior may not mimic past cost
• Future costs may be different from past costs.
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Slide # 44
Q6: Considerations When Using
Estimates of Future Costs
• The data used to estimate past costs may not be of
• The accounting system may aggregate costs in a
way that mis-specifies cost behavior.
• Information from outside the accounting system
may not be accurate.
• The true cost function may not be in agreement
with the cost function assumptions.
• For example, if variable costs per unit of the cost
driver are not constant over any reasonable
range of activity, the linearity of total cost
assumption is violated.
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Chapter 2: The Cost Function
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Slide # 45
Appendix 2A: Multiple Regression Example
We have 10 observations of total project cost, the number of
machine hours used by the projects, and the number of
machine set-ups the projects used.
$10,000 Total Costs
Total Costs
Number of Set-ups
Number of Machine Hours
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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
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Appendix 2A: Multiple Regression Example
Regress total costs on the number of set-ups to get the
following output and estimated cost function:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Adjusted R Square 0.574
2925.6 1284 2.278 0.0523
Standard Error
1804 Intercept
10 # of Set-ups 1225.4 338 3.62 0.0068
Predicted project costs = $2,926 + ($1,225/set-up) x (# set-ups)
The explanatory power is 57.4%. The # of set-ups
is significant, but the intercept is not significant if
we use a 5% limit for the p-value.
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Appendix 2A: Multiple Regression Example
Regress total costs on the number of machine hours to get
the following output and estimated cost function:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square 0.621
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Standard Error
1701 Intercept
-173.8 1909 -0.09 0.9297
10 # Mach Hrs 112.65 28.4 3.968 0.0041
Predicted project costs = – $173 + ($113/mach hr) x (# mach hrs)
The explanatory power is 62.1%. The intercept shows up
negative, which is impossible as total fixed costs can not
be negative. However, the p-value on the intercept tells us
that there is a 93% probability that the true intercept is
zero. The # of machine hours is significant.
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Appendix 2A: Multiple Regression Example
Regress total costs on the # of set ups and the # of
machine hours to get the following:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
R Square
-1132 1021 -1.11 0.3044
Adjusted R Square 0.896 Intercept
857.4 182.4
4.7 0.0022
Standard Error
891.8 # of Set-ups
10 # of Mach Hrs 82.31 16.23 5.072 0.0014
project = – $1,132 + ($857/set-up) x (# set-ups) + ($82/mach hr) x (# mach hrs)
The explanatory power is now 89.6%. The p-values on both
slope coefficients show that both are significant. Since the
intercept is not significant, project costs can be estimated
based on the project’s usage of set-ups and machine hours.
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Appendix 2B: What is a Learning Curve?
A learning curve is
• the rate at which labor hours per unit decrease as the
volume of activity increases
• the relationship between cumulative average hours per
unit and the cumulative number of units produced.
A learning curve can be represented mathematically as:
Y = α Xr, where
Y = cumulative average labor hours,
α = time required for the first unit,
X = cumulative number of units produced,
r = an index for learning = ln(% learning)/ln(2), and
ln is the natural logarithmic function.
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Appendix 2B: Learning Curve Example
Deanna’s Designer Desks just designed a new solid wood desk for
executives. The first desk took her workforce 55 labor hours to make, but
she estimates that each desk will require 75% of the time of the prior desk
(i.e. “% learning” = 75%). Compute the cumulative average time to make 7
desks, and draw a learning curve.
First compute r:
r = ln(75%)/ln(2) = -0.2877/0.693 = -0.4152
Then compute the cumulative
average time for 7 desks:
x 7(-0.4152) = 25.42 hrs
Y = 55
Cumulative Average Hours Per Desk
In order to draw a learning curve,
you must compute the value of Y for
all X values from 1 to 7. . . .
Cumulative Number of Desks
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Cost Management
Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance
Chapter 1
The Role of Accounting Information in
Management Decision Making
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Chapter 1: The Role of Accounting Information in Management Decision Making
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Slide # 1
Chapter 1: The Role of Accounting Information in
Management Decision Making
Learning objectives
➢Q1 – What is the process of strategic management and
decision making?
➢Q2 – What types of control systems do managers use?
➢Q3 – What is the role of accounting information in strategic
➢Q4 – What information is relevant for decision making?
➢Q5 – How does business risk affect management decision
➢Q6 – How do biases affect management decision making?
➢Q7 – How can managers make higher-quality decisions?
➢Q8 – What is ethical decision making, and why is it
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Chapter 1: The Role of Accounting Information in Management Decision Making
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Slide # 2
Q1: Organizational Vision and Core Competencies
• The organizational vision is the core purpose and
ideology of the organization.
• Determining the organizational vision precedes all
other management decision making.
• Management must also isolate the organization’s
core competencies – its strengths relative to
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Slide # 3
Q1: Organizational Vision and Core Competencies
The organizational vision and the
core competencies are closely
The organization’s strengths
should help shape the vision.
The vision should help locate the
organization’s strengths.
If you were starting an accounting practice, what would be your
organizational vision?
What do you think would be your core competencies?
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Slide # 4
Q1: Organizational Strategies
Vision & Core
Organizational strategies are the tactics
that managers use to work toward the
organizational vision while taking
advantage of the core competencies.
These strategies are long-term in nature.
Examples include organization structure,
financial structure, and long-term
resource allocation strategies.
If you were starting an accounting practice, what would be some of your
organizational strategies?
How do these work toward your organizational vision?
How do they take advantage of your core competencies?
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Slide # 5
Q1: Operating Plans
Operating plans are the short-term
implementations of the organizational
Operating plans usually include
budgeted goals for revenues and
Examples include schedules for
employees and procedures for daily
relationship management decisions
with suppliers.
If you were starting an accounting practice, what would be some of your
operating plans?
How do these relate to your organizational strategies?
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Slide # 6
Q1: Actual Operations
Actual operations are the actions
taken and the results achieved.
The organization’s information
system measures the results of
actual operations.
Examples include number of units
sold, advertising expense, and the
wage expense for the period.
If you had an accounting practice, what would information would you
want to collect about the results of your actual operations?
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Slide # 7
Q1: Monitoring and Motivating Performance
Vision & Core
Managers use the results of actual
operations to monitor performance and
ensure that it is in line with the
organizational vision.
Managers may find that the results of
actual operations make them re-think the
organizational vision or their view of the
organization’s core competencies.
If you had an accounting practice, can you think of an example of a
measure of actual operations and how you would use it to motivate
Can you think of an example of a measure of actual operations that
might make you redefine your organizational vision or your view of your
core competencies?
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Slide # 8
Q2: Management Control Systems
• Belief Systems
– Vision, Mission, Core Values Statements
• Boundary Systems
– Code of Conduct, Procedure Manuals, Compliance
• Diagnostic Control Systems
– Measure, monitor, and motivate employees against
preset goals
• Interactive Control Systems
– Recurring information and reports to evaluate
performance and direct actions
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Slide # 9
Q3: Financial, Managerial, and Cost Accounting
Financial accounting
prepares reports most
frequently used by decision
makers external to the
Managerial accounting
prepares reports most
frequently used by decision
makers internal to the
Cost accounting includes both financial and nonfinancial
information and is used for both financial and managerial
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Slide # 10
Q3: Strategic Cost Management
and the Balanced Scorecard
• Strategic cost management is an approach to
reducing costs while strengthening the
organization’s strategic position.
• The balanced scorecard can be used to formalize
strategic cost management efforts by detailing
financial and nonfinancial benchmarks for all
segments of the organization.
• Examples of such benchmarks include:
• Personnel can reduce costs by completing all hiring within 20
days of initial interview.
• Production can reduce costs and improve quality if Engineering
can reduce the number of processes in the production process.
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Q4: What Information is Relevant
for Decision Making?
• Information is relevant if:
• Differs across the alternatives, and
• Is about the future.
• Relevant information can be quantitative or
• Information is irrelevant if:
• Does not vary with the option chosen or action taken
Irrelevant information is NOT useful in
decision making!
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Q4: Relevant Cash Flows
• Relevant cash flows are future cash flows that
differ across the alternatives.
• also called incremental cash flows
• also called avoidable cash flows
• Irrelevant cash flows are:
• non-incremental and unavoidable cash flows
• do not vary among alternatives
• Must look at the cash flow relevance to the
decision being made
• Electricity costs are relevant to the decision to open a
business or not
• Electricity costs are not relevant in the decision to
lease or buy a building for your business
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Slide # 13
Q4: What Information is Relevant
for Decision Making?
You have a small computer repair company and are deciding whether to
replace your old copy machine or repair it. In the list of information
below, identify which data are relevant to this decision and which are
• The purchase price of the copy machine was $1200.
• The repair costs are $320.
• The copy machine can make 20 copies per minute.
• If you repair it, the machine will use less toner than it does now.
• You make approximately 1000 copies per month.
• The repair won’t fix the broken stapler.
• The repair carries a one-year warranty.
• The copy machine was a gift from your spouse.
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Q4: Relevance of Income Statement Information
• Income Statements include:
– Period costs
– Product costs (recorded as cost of goods sold)
• Many business decisions require the incremental
cost to produce a unit
• Cost per unit on the income statement includes
both fixed and variable costs
• Including fixed costs does not represent the true
incremental cost of a unit
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Q5: Impact of Business Risk on Decision Making
• Business Risk is the possibility an event will occur
and interfere with the organization’s strategic goals
Economic &
Legal &
Political and
Criminal and
& Man Made
• The existence of business risk can cloud
management’s decision making process
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Q6: Uncertainties, Biases, and Decision Quality
• Uncertainties are issues and information about
which there is doubt.
• Biases are preconceived notions adopted without
careful thought.
• Decision quality refers to the characteristics of a
decision that affect the likelihood of achieving a
positive outcome.
• Both uncertainty and bias reduce decision quality.
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Q6: Uncertainties and Biases in Information
• Uncertainties come from many sources and can be
exogenous or endogenous.
• The future is always uncertain.
• Managers may be uncertain that the right information
was captured in a report.
• Biases can come from many sources.
• The decision maker may be biased towards or against a
particular alternative (predisposition bias)
• The methods used to collect information could have
introduced bias (information bias)
• The decision maker may exercise an error in judgment or
processing information (cognitive bias)
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Q6: Motorola’s Iridium Project
• How did uncertainties and bias effect Motorola’s
decision making process?
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Q6: Uncertainties, Biases, and Decision Quality
Lori loves to sew and has always made her own clothes. People often
tell her that she is the best-dressed person they’ve ever met. She can
design and sew a lovely outfit in under 2 days. She is considering
opening a store that could sell her home-made fashions. Then she could
combine her work with her hobby.
Can you identify some of the uncertainties Lori faces? Can you think of
any way she can reduce some of these uncertainties?
Can you identify any possible personal biases that Lori may have? How
could these affect her decision making process?
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Q7: Characteristics of Higher-Quality Decisions
Higher quality decisions come from a
higher quality decision making process.
Such a process is thorough, unbiased,
focused, strategic, creative, and visionary.
This process requires reports that are
relevant, understandable, and available.
These reports must contain information
that is more certain, complete, relevant,
timely and valuable.
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Q8: Components of Ethical Decision Making
problems as
they arise
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Consider the
well being of
others and
Clarify and
apply ethical
improve your
Chapter 1: The Role of Accounting Information in Management Decision Making
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Q8: The IMA’s Code of Ethics
• The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
has a Code of Ethics that states that IMA
members have a responsibility to:
• maintain an appropriate level of professional competence
and perform their professional duties in accordance with
laws, regulations, and standards;
• refrain from disclosing confidential information (unless
legally obligated), or using (or even appearing to use)
confidential information to illegal advantage;
• avoid actual and apparent conflicts of interest; and
• communicate information fairly and objectively, and disclose
all relevant information to decision makers.
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Q8: Ethical Decision Making
Suppose you work for the Lee K. Fawcett Plumbing Company as Mr.
Fawcett’s administrative assistant. Recently Mr. Fawcett asked you to
type some financial statements from his hand-written notes so that he
can take them to the bank as part of a loan application.
This exercise seems odd to you because the company’s CPA recently
delivered the monthly financial statements that she prepares.
While typing the financial statements you notice that the building the
company rents is listed as an asset. Also, you write checks each month
for the monthly payments on two car loans, and these are not listed as
Do you have an ethical dilemma? Discuss your approach to handling
this situation.
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Appendix: Steps for
Better Thinking
Steps for Better
Thinking is a
process to help
address openended questions.
questions have no
single correct
solution; managers
must seek the best
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(c) 2002. Information
C. L. Lynch, in
S. Management
K. Wolcott, andDecision
G. E. Huber,
“Steps for Better Thinking: A
Chapter 1: The RoleSource:
of Accounting
Eldenburg & Wolcott’s Cost Management, 1e
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Appendix: Steps for Better Thinking – Foundation
• Foundation level skills include a knowledge of the
terminology and basic concepts that are relevant
to the decision at hand.
• An individual with Foundation level skills can:
• perform calculations to arrive at correct answer
• define terms in his/her own words
• describe a concept
• list the elements contained in a concept or
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Appendix: Steps for Better Thinking – Identifying
• Step 1 skills include the ability to identify relevant
information and uncertainties.
• An individual with Step 1 skills can:
• create a list of issues related to the decision
• sort information that is relevant
• identify the reasons for the underlying
• perform research to obtain input into the
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Appendix: Steps for Better Thinking – Exploring
• Step 2 skills include the ability to explore
interpretations of the information and connections
between alternative solutions approaches.
• An individual with Step 2 skills can:
• recognize and control for his/her own biases
• articulate assumptions and reasoning
associated with alternative points of view
• organize information in meaningful ways to
encompass problem complexities
• compare and contrast different approaches to
a problem’s solutions
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Appendix: Steps for Better Thinking – Prioritizing
• Step 3 skills include the ability to prioritize
alternatives, come to a decision, and implement
the decision.
• An individual with Step 3 skills can:
• develop guidelines for prioritizing alternatives
• prioritize alternatives after objective analysis
• communicate findings in a manner appropriate
to the audience
• describe how the solution or decision might
change if priorities change
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Appendix: Steps for Better Thinking – Envisioning
• Step 4 skills include the ability to monitor the
decision and innovate new strategies to modify
the decision when circumstances change.
• An individual with Step 4 skills can:
• explain the limitations of the decision made
• establish a plan for monitoring the performance
of the decision
• explain how conditions may change in the
future and how this may change the decision
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