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Accounting Question

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Topic: IFRS adoption and its impact on oil and gas companies in Saudi Arabia.

ACCT 3331 : Accounting for Extractive Industries
Class Project Outline, Deadlines, and Grading Rubric = 20% of Final Grade
Selection of Project’s Title
Pick a topic that is related to Oil and Gas Accounting in Saudi Arabia.
Part I: Introduction Include:
(a) State what you want to write on
(b) State your research questions
(c) State your research methods
Part II: Literature Review (library or internet search)
1. The history of the topic that you chose.
2. State the importance of the topic
3. Review and summarize not less than 25 published papers or articles
on the topic chosen; in the last 5 years (preferably the most up to date
Part III: Methodology and Outcomes
(a) Choose the methodology that you would like to use
(b) Describe the way that you intend to approach the research
question(s) and the techniques and logic that you will use to
address it. This should include the ways in which you will gather
data and the research plan including the research design,
experimental procedures and statistical analysis.
Part IV: Data Analysis – Explain your data collected in item #4
1. the researchers will need to explain and justify if they were about to
use specific software to assist them in analyzing the data – SPSS,
Excel, NVivo and alike
2. it is normal for researcher to provide table or diagram which tells
how the research questions and hypotheses were addressed – in the
table the researcher normally will align their research questions with
type of analyses to be used
Part V: Conclusion – (Summary of the project)
1. State your views on the analysis.
Part VI: References
Project Submission’s due date is Monday, April 15th , 2024
Submit paper’s slides power point on April 17th, 2024
In Final Exams questions on your project
% of
Student Name:
Student ID:
Course Instructor:
Course Number and Name:
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Research questions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Research methods: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Research Problem and Background ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Research Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Research Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Data Analysis – Secondary Data ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Cost management is the hidden factor that keeps the oil and gas industry of KSA working
efficiently. Currently, the energy market is fluctuating and facing tough challenges but the way the
company manages and handles all these challenges can make a big difference (Al-Jabr, 2020).
Cost management practices are important for this business to ensure every single transaction is
recorded and cash is used sensibly. This study will be focused on cost accounting in the oil and
gas sector of KSA, discovering how significant these practices are and how these practices
influence the productivity of the oil and gas industry (Albalwi, 2022). This study will examine the
impact of cost accounting practices used As a result of the oil and gas sector of the oil industry. It
proposes to measure the effectiveness of these cost accounting practices highlighting their
influence on working efficiency and monetary performance in the chosen industry of oil and gas
Research questions:
The research questions for this study are mentioned below:
1. What are the initial practices of cost accounting used As a result of the oil and gas industry
Exploration and Production businesses of KSA?
2. How do these cost accounting practices add to the efficiency and productivity of cost
management in the E & P segment?
3. What are the important factors that impact the efficiency and productivity of cost
accounting in the oil and gas industry of KSA E & P business?
Research methods:
To find the answers to the above questions, a mix of methods will be used. The data will be
gathered over semi-structured interviews As a result the expert in the industry proposes insights
into recent cost accounting practices (Alkhalifah, 2023). Apart from that, data will be gathered
through a literature review and a theoretical framework analysis will be proposed for the analysis.
These methods will permit a clear understanding of cost accounting practices of the oil and gas
E&P sector of KSA using both scholarly findings and expert interviews.
Research Problem and Background
The research problem of this study is how accounting practices are working in KSA specifically
in oil and gas E & P companies. Through this study, we want to understand if the business based
on KSA are managing their cost effectively because cost accounting is very significant in the
chosen sector and most importantly it helps the business to be competitive and cost-effective. Only
a few relevant researches are found in the same field. Thus, there was still a gap in terms of KSA.
Through this study, we will try to add value to the available research.
Research Objectives
1. To recognize the key cost accounting practices utilized in KSA Oil and Gas E&P
2. To evaluate the productivity and efficiency of these cost accounting practices in managing
and adaptable costs.
3. To explore the features influencing the effectiveness and success of cost accounting
practices in KSA Oil and Gas Exploration and Production businesses.
Research Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1:
H0: Recognition of new cost accounting practices doesn’t distress cost management in KSA oil
and gas companies.
H1: Recognition of new cost accounting practices considerably increases cost management in
KSA oil and gas companies.
Hypothesis 2:
H0: External controlling aspects don’t influence the efficiency of cost accounting practices in KSA
oil and gas companies.
H1: External controlling factors considerably distress the efficacy of cost accounting practices in
KSA oil and gas companies.
Hypothesis 3:
H0: Leadership style and managerial culture have no important influence on the effectiveness of
cost accounting methods in KSA oil and gas companies.
H1: Leadership style and managerial culture considerably influence the effectiveness of cost
accounting practices in KSA oil and gas companies.
Literature Review
Earlier in the start of the 20th century, very basic approaches were used to record costs and certify
profitability in the oil and gas sectors of Saudi Arabia. After the business faced diverse economic
challenges along with operational challenges, all of these techniques progressed into cultured
systems that are adapted to fulfill the exclusive demands of the sectors (Bin Seddeeq, 2019). From
very simple cost recording tools to difficult frameworks, the historical change shows the dynamic
nature of the industry and the frequent adaption of cost accounting practices to changing situations
(Bravo-Oviedo, 2014).
In the modern background, cost accounting practices assist the support of the oil and gas industry
of KSA. All of these cost accounting practices are involved in handling expenses, enabling up-todate decision-making, and certifying passivity with controlling values (Casey, 2015). Furthermore,
they play a key role in improving effectiveness, alleviating financial risks, and supporting the
industry’s effectiveness in international market variations (Eljayash, 2020). The significance of
active cost accounting practices cannot be exaggerated, as they reinforce the monetary health and
working flexibility of oil and gas companies.
Over the last five years, several scholarly articles and different studies have discovered the
numerous extents of KSA’s cost accounting practices mainly in the oil and gas industry (McGuire,
2013). These researchers have inspected different topics that range from the adoption of innovative
technology just as cloud computing and big data analytics to the combination of ecological and
social costs into cost accounting frameworks (Heyvaert, 2013). Moreover, scholars have examined
the incorporation of risk management values into cost accounting practices and projected new
performance metrics personalized to industry-specific requirements.
The latest research highlights the increasing implementation of innovative tools in cost accounting
practices in the Saudi Arabian oil and gas business. Studies have inspected the paybacks of cloud
computing and big data analytics in improving data accuracy, enabling real-time analysis, and
authorizing decision-makers with illegal perceptions. The incorporation of these tools has allowed
companies to enhance cost management procedures, increase operational effectiveness, and
increase a competitive advantage in the marketplace (Mclellan, 2013). A developing trend in cost
accounting study concerns the enclosure of ecological and social costs in accounting contexts.
Scholars have highlighted the significance of accepting a holistic approach that redirects the true
influence of oil and gas processes on the atmosphere and society (Nurunnabi, 2017). As a result
of integrating ecological and social costs into cost accounting practices, businesses can support
sustainability purposes, improve stakeholder engagement, and alleviate reputational risks related
to ecological stewardship (McGuire, 2013).
Studies have underlined the crucial role of risk management in cost accounting practices in the oil
and gas business of KSA. As a result of incorporating risk management values into cost accounting
frameworks, businesses can recognize, assess, and alleviate working, financial, and regulatory
risks effectively (Provornaya, 2020). This proactive approach not only enhances risk visibility and
transparency but also reinforces decision-making procedures and nurtures a culture of risk
awareness and flexibility in organizations (Sarbu, 2011). Investigators have projected novel
performance metrics personalized to the detailed desires of the Saudi Arabian oil and gas business.
These metrics include several extents, comprising drilling effectiveness, production optimization,
resource operation, and ecological stewardship (Virine, 2019). As a result of refining performance
measurement outlines and supporting them with strategic purposes, businesses can gain a profound
understanding of their cost performance, determine continuous development creativities, and attain
sustainable development in the vibrant oil and gas marketplace (Vitalis, 2004).
The methodology for this study project comprises a mixture of qualitative methods, precisely
interviews with business experts in the same field, and secondary research over literature reviews
(Weijermars, 2022). In this research, qualitative data will be collected through semi-structured
interviews with industry experts in the same field of oil and gas businesses. The interviews are
planned and designed to understand the recent accounting practices along with the challenges they
encountered while incorporating these practices and insights into their efficiency. Along with the
interviews, data will also be collected through secondary research through literature reviews. Data
will only be gathered and analyzed through reliable research articles on cost accounting practices
in the oil and gas sector of Saudi Arabia.
The design of this research study will be qualitative and exploratory, leading to advance the deep
empathy of cost accounting performs for the standpoint of business As a result of current literature
and business. The qualitative data considered from interviews will be analyzed As a result of using
thematic examination techniques that help to classify required patterns, themes, and
understandings. The findings will be considered as complemented through contextualized As a
result of the deep insights assembled from the current literature review. Analyzing the primary
data collection helps to emphasize the qualitative methods As a result of interviews, data
examination mainly adds to secondary research As a result of synthesis and clarification for the
current literature. This method helps for inclusive exploration for cost accounting in the Saudi
Arabian oil and gas E&P area, considering both academic knowledge and expert understanding.
Data Analysis
In the process of data analysis, we started As a result of examining the insights qualitative ways
from the interviews that were conducted with business experts in the sector of oil and gas business.
The conducted interviews were designed in the way of eliciting firsthand perceptions and
experiences As a result of existing cost accounting performances and the challenges within Saudi
Arabian oil and gas examination and production (E&P) industries.
During the examination of interview data, we accurately studied transcripts and proceedings from
each interview to classify recurring themes, configurations, and key understandings. This
qualitative examination allowed us to investigate extremely into the shades of cost accounting
practices within the business and to gain an inclusive consideration of the factors prompting their
Numerous prominent themes developed from the interview data. One recurring theme was the
importance of cost control and resource distribution in managing operational expenditures
efficiently. Experts highlighted the status of implementing healthy cost accounting organizations
to track expenses exactly and to improve resource operation throughout the examination and
production developments.
Moreover, interviewees deliberated on the influence of regulatory necessities and external factors
on cost accounting performance within the business. They emphasized the need for businesses to
familiarize their cost accounting frameworks to obey developing regulatory morals while also
directing external challenges such as changing marketplace conditions and geopolitical aspects.
The role of leadership style and organizational culture developed as a key factor of cost accounting
success. Experts underscored the prominence of strong leadership maintenance and a culture of
financial transparency in the development of an encouraging environment for comprehensive cost
management practices. They highlighted the need for configuration between leadership
significances and cost management strategies to confirm the successful operation and
implementation of cost accounting creativities.
General, the examination of interview data delivered valued qualitative understandings of the
particulars of cost accounting practices in the Saudi Arabian oil and gas E&P segment. These
understandings served as a basis for further examination and informed our consideration of the
broader background surrounding cost management in the business. The findings from the
interviews placed the basis for the following integration of qualitative and quantitative data
examination, enabling an inclusive inspection of cost accounting performances and their
inferences for decision-making within the segment.
Data Analysis – Secondary Data
Examining qualitative understandings from interviews, our data examination process elaborates
an inclusive inspection of secondary data attained through a detailed literature review. This
secondary data included research articles, academic journals, business reports, and other applicable
sources concentrating on cost accounting performance in the oil and gas business, mainly within
the Saudi Arabian background.
During the examination of secondary data, we directed a systematic review of current literature to
recognize trends, outlines, and statistical findings connected to cost accounting performance in the
oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) segment (Nurunnabi, 2017). This complicated
creating info from a varied range of foundations to gain an all-inclusive understanding of the
effectiveness and success of cost accounting practices employed As a result of businesses
functioning in Saudi Arabia (Al-Jabr, 2020).
Numerous key themes developed from the examination of secondary data. One dominant theme
was the adoption of advanced cost accounting techniques, such as Activity-Based Costing (ABC),
to improve cost management and decision-making processes within the business. Research articles
emphasized the benefits of executing ABC methodologies for dealing with costs more perfectly
and enlightening operational efficiency in Saudi Arabian oil and gas businesses.
Moreover, the literature review revealed an understanding of the influence of external factors, such
as regulatory necessities and marketplace dynamics, on cost accounting performance within the
business. Studies deliberated the challenges challenged As a result of businesses complying with
regulatory values while also addressing environmental and social costs linked with oil and gas
processes in Saudi Arabia.
Likewise, the examination of secondary data delivered an understanding of the role of progressive
technologies, such as cloud figuring and big data analytics, in altering cost accounting processes
within the oil and gas segment (Razek, 2021). Research articles discovered how this expertise
enables real-time data examination, improves data accuracy, and empowers decision-makers with
valuable understandings for cost optimization and performance development.
Furthermore, the literature review emphasized the significance of evolving meaningful
performance measurement metrics personalized to the oil and gas business. Studies proposed
inventive metrics, including training efficiency, production optimization, and eco-friendly
stewardship, to evaluate the effectiveness of cost management in Saudi Arabian oil and gas
corporations (Weijermars, 2022). The examination of secondary data offered a valuable
understanding of the developing background of cost accounting performance in the Saudi Arabian
oil and gas E&P area (Tagliapietra, 2019). As a result of creating info from diverse sources, we
expanded a shaded understanding of the challenges, prospects, and best practices linked with cost
management in the business. These understandings complemented the qualitative conclusions
from interviews and subsidized an inclusive investigation of cost accounting acts within the
segment (Alyousef, 2011).
Our research actions have provided a valuable understanding of the world of cost accounting
practices within the Saudi Arabian oil and gas examination and production (E&P) area. Through
a meticulous examination of qualitative understandings from interviews with business specialists
and an inclusive review of secondary data from obtainable literature, we have expanded shaded
considerate of the challenges, opportunities, and best practices linked with cost management in the
The qualitative examination of interviews exposed key themes such as the significance of cost
control, resource allocation, and the influence of regulatory desires and leadership style on cost
accounting effectiveness. These understandings offered actual perspectives on existing cost
accounting practices and emphasized the need for healthy frameworks to improve cost
management developments within Saudi Arabian oil and gas businesses.
Moreover, the examination of secondary data delivered added deepness to our consideration As a
result of classifying trends, configurations, and statistical findings related to cost accounting in the
business. Understandings from existing literature highlighted the acceptance of inventive
techniques such as Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and the transformative potential of progressive
technologies in improving cost accounting developments.
In general, our research findings highlight the dire role of cost accounting in driving operative
efficiency, regulatory agreement, and financial performance within the Saudi Arabian oil and gas
E&P segment. As a result of incorporating qualitative understandings with quantitative
investigation, our study has subsidized a comprehensive analysis of cost accounting performances
and their inferences for decision-making within the business.
Moving forward, the understanding gathered from this research can assist as a valuable source for
business practitioners, policymakers, and researchers alike. As a result of addressing
acknowledged challenges and executing best practices, Saudi Arabian oil and gas businesses can
endeavor towards sustainable development, effectiveness, and effectiveness in an ever-evolving
marketplace background. As the business continues to progress, ongoing research and invention
in cost accounting will remain authoritative for dynamic operational superiority and nurturing
long-term accomplishment within the segment.
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