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Lambda Calculus Computer Science Worksheet

CS 463 – Homework 2Untyped Lambda Calculus
Deadline: Thursday, September 7th 2023, 5pm
• Each homework this semester is individual effort by default.
• Work must be uploaded to gradescope per-question; text boxes and file uploads are ok.
o Uploading text is recommended, but uploading pdfs or images per question are
acceptable; as long as they are already rotated correctly); other filetypes such as docx
are not okay, and will have up to 5pt deduction. It slows down grading significantly.
o Similarly, rotate images to be correctly upright for full credit. Thank you! J
• Recommendation: type your solution up for this homework; the ability to cut-paste-edit
while simplifying terms is well worth it! For simplicity, you can use a backslash (\) for
lambda (λ), and -> instead of ⟶ for the evaluation symbol, and ==> instead of ⟹.
We will work on a few different tasks: simplifying some expressions in an extended language;
writing code (“encoding”) in the core calculus; and exploring an extension to our calculus – both
creating an extension and writing some definitions in this extended language.
§ 1. Reducing Expressions (simplifying terms down to values) (40pts)
For each of the following, write out an entire simplification, showing every step and naming each rule that is
used. Our class examples should be useful here. Remember, this is based on the shared calculus with multiple
extensions: https://cs.gmu.edu/~marks/463/calculi/ulc_rules.pdf
Incidentally, we only use the list extension in the extra credit.
While you are not expected to draw the trees as part of your answer, they are quite valuable in figuring out
which rules to apply; you are encouraged to draw them as necessary. The parentheses have been colored in to
help with readability a bit; you do not need to preserve the coloring.
1. ( (λx . x > 3)
2. ((λa.if a false true) (~ true))
3. (((λf. λn. f n) (λx.3+x)) 7)
4. ((λa.((λb.a+b) 8)) (4+5))
5. ((if (1>2) (λf.f+3) (λg.g*4)) 5)
6. (extra credit +1):
((λf.(λx.f x)) (λg.g))
§ 2. Encoding terms (35pts)
For this section, we are only using the core lambda calculus with no extensions. This means there are no
numbers, no true/false/if terms, no lists. Only the following:
t ::= x | λx.t | (t t)
v ::= λx.t
Three evaluation rules: E-App1, E-App2, E-App-Abs
We saw in class the following encodings:
true = λx. λy. x
false = λx. λy. y
not = λa. (a false) true
and = λa. λb. (a b) a
or = λa. λb. (a a) b
Your task is to use those encodings, in the core lambda calculus, and again perform simplification of the
expressions below. Similar to our class examples, steps can now be “==> expand def’n of “. I strongly
recommend not expanding any definition until you need to use it as a function: it will be clearer to work with,
less to write out, and easier to grade. Since it’s a lambda, you know it’s a value, even when it’s not expanded,
which can be useful information. Name the steps taken each time, as above in part 1.
1. (not false)
2. ((or true) false)
3. ((and true) false)
Next, create your own definition of nand, which answers true when not both of its arguments are true.
Remember, we have the true/false/etc. encodings above, which are really just lambda terms. Thinking of the
other encodings as being e.g. the true vaue is convenient for getting the logic sorted out, but ultimately it’s
merely a function that can behave true-ish when applied to arguments in the correct way. You can create
helper functions as needed (more encodings), but make sure you don’t use things from the extended version
we had used in part 1 of this assignment. (For instance, there is no if term!) Then, simplify the next uses of it.
4. nand = …
5. ((nand true) false)
((nand a) b)
§ 3. Language Extensions (25pts)
For the last part of this homework, we will perform an extension to the language much like the examples in
class: we will write out new terms and values (given), write new rules, and use the language (with encodings).
We are now starting with the provided full language definition that has extensions, and (in green) we are
going to add functionality for an “optional” type, similar to Java’s Optional class.
t ::= x | λx.t | (t t) | true | false | if t t t | ~t | t = t
| | t + t | t-t | t*t | tt
| nil | cons t t | isnil t | head t | tail t
| fix t
| optional t | empty | orelse t t | ispresent t | get t
v ::= λx.t | true | false | | nil | cons t t | fix t | optional t | empty
(Creating the new rules: this will be part of your task below.)
What is an “Optional”?
This new type of values allows us to either have the optional target value tucked away inside the object, or
else it is currently missing (like a null pointer hiding inside the overall Optional object if you’re thinking about
Java’s implementation; this is the representation of “value-missing”). Rather than resorting to manually
checking for these null pointers or doing a lot of exception handling, we can acknowledge that “value-missing”
scenario and directly code for it, because we always have the Optional-object and can use it with support code
that addresses the empty-case directly.

When building up more terms for our lambda calculus to extend it to include optionals, we also add
the terms that will be using optionals (much like addition and if-terms did for numbers and booleans).

Much like how true and false are the two kinds of values we have for Booleans, optional t and empty
are the two new shapes of values we have for this Optional extension:
o optional t represents an Optional value that has the value present, which it stores in the only
o empty represents an Optional value that does not have the value present (thus no subterm).

Much like how we also extended the core calculus to include operations over the Boolean values and
integers (such as if, +, etc.), we include terms that operate over our new optional values:
o orelse t t represents a term whose first term is an Optional, and we would like to use the
value that’s maybe tucked away in there; we provide a backup “default” value in the second
subterm. Simplifying it means to simplify the first subterm down to a value, and when it’s an
optional t term, we extract the value; when it was an empty term, we instead use the second
subterm (our backup plan).
o ispresent t represents a question: assuming the subterm eventually yields an optional value
(either shape), answer true when it’s a optional t value, and false when it’s an empty value.
o get t represents a term that will unsafely unpack what had better be a optional t term.
Dynamic checks like this can fail, such as indexing into a list with an invalid index.
Finally, on to the work of this Section Three:
(16/25pts) Write out evaluation rules that complete the extension of optionals to our lambda
calculus. You task is to provide ways to simplify from any of our new terms (including orelse, ispresent,
and get functionality) down to values in the newly extended language. Remember to focus on which
subterm should be evaluated (if at all), and what needs to be evaluated along the way (stuff above the
line). Understanding why the rules for e.g. E-If* and various list rules behave the way they do may be a
good checkpoint before writing these out. Here are some design notes on required behavior:
a. An orelse term should evaluate its first subterm until it becomes either an optional-term or an
empty-term, and only then will it either extract the value-that-is-present or use the default
(orelse’s second subterm).
b. A get term can simplify its only subterm until it becomes an optional-term, and then extracts
the value. There is no backup plan for if a different kind of value shows up (think of those like
runtime errors, akin to an array indexing error).
c. An ispresent term simplifies its one subterm sufficiently until it sees either a optional-term or
an empty-term, and returns true or false accordingly. It does not try to handle all the other
“types” of terms, just like get true has no next step, neither does ispresent 5 have any further
evaluation possible.
d. Naming your rules similar to the provided ones can help explain your intent (no specific names
are required). You can give some short commentary to the side if you’d like (also not required).
Hint: My solution has eight evaluation rules: three each for orelse and ispresent, and another two
for evaluating get terms.
(9/25pts) Encode the following in your newly extended language:
• more, a function that can be applied to two arguments; the first is a number, the second is an optional
(of a number). Returns the first argument, plus the number that is optionally hidden in the optional (or,
adds zero when the optional was empty).
• isbig, a function that accepts an optional number and returns an optional Boolean (three possible
outcomes): optional true or optional false representing that there was a value present that is
bigger than 10 or not, or an empty value when there was no option number to check its size.
§4. Extra Credit (+4)
Using your Section 3 language, encode a function, addAnyPresent, that accepts a list of optional numbers, and
adds up all the numbers that are present. (hint: you will need to write this recursively). You do not need to
evaluate it! (as we saw in class, this gets a bit out of hand quickly).

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