Home » MBA FPX 5014

MBA FPX 5014




    If you are not familiar with resources for finding financial ratios for a company, explore the following:

    • MBA Program Guide – What are Financial Ratios?This Library Guide describes financial ratios and provides internet and library resources.
    • BizMiner. (n.d.). Free business statistics and financial ratios. www.bizstats.com
    • Financial Ratios for Measuring Performance | Transcript.If you are unfamiliar with terminology around the topic of financial ratios, this multimedia provides terms and definitions.Reading and interpreting financial statements can be demystified. These resources can help you to gain proficiency with financial statements; this is a critical skill in being able to assess the financial condition of a company.Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.These chapters look at the financial statements and introduce financial analysis tools such as trend analysis, ratio analysis, and industry average analysis.Chapter 2, “Financial Statements and Cash Flow,” pages 19-41.Chapter 3, “Financial Statements Analysis and Financial Models,” pages 42-81.Secrets of Reading Financial Reports | Transcript.Reading financial reports might feel like reading a letter written in code, so this media pieces breaks it down to demystify these very important documents. An illustration is provided to help you decode financial reports.Financial Statements Explained in One Minute: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement.Delve into the financial basics that will help you understand financial statements.Introduction to Corporate FinanceRoss, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 1, “Introduction to Corporate Finance.” This chapter introduces the discipline of finance and describes the structure of the corporate firm, the importance of cash flows over profits, and the primary goal of financial management: to maximize shareholder value.Hurd, M., & Vance, A. (2013, April 15). How to read a financial statement. Business Week, 70-71.Financial Acumen Self-Assessment.This self-assessment will identify your strengths and weaknesses in financial literacy.Financial Terms: Interactive Glossary | Transcript.This is a flashcard-style glossary of financial terms.Goals of Corporate FinanceRobinson, P. (2015, October 19). It is not all about shareholder value. Investment Advisor.Birkinshaw, J., Foss, N. J., & Lindenberg, S. (2014). Combining purpose with profits. MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(3), 49-56.Stybel, L. J., & Peabody, M. (2010). Enhance assets or reduce liabilities. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(4), 96.


    Create a 4-6 page report that analyzes financial ratios for a company, uses the data to tell the financial story of that company, and concludes with a recommendation on whether the company would be a viable partner based on its financial condition.


    It’s essential for senior management to know the financial condition of an organization in order to make strategic decisions. In this assessment, you will apply the financial management skills learned thus far.

    • Tell the financial story based on financial statements.
    • Conduct a financial analysis and identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value.
    • Interpret ratio computations that are meaningful and inform business decisions and strategies.
    • Make three recommendations that maximize shareholder value.


    Maria Gomez is founder and president of ABC Healthcare Corporation, a company that owns hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, urgent care centers, and outpatient clinics. She has called on you to review various financial documents and to make recommendations to maximize shareholder value.


    You are one of Maria’s high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and she trusts your work and leadership.


    Here is what your report should provide for Maria:

    • A summary of the financial strength of the company through your analysis of the price/earnings and price/book ratios.

    The CFO for ABC Healthcare Corporation assessed the market value by reviewing its price/earnings ratios. The price/earnings ratio determines the market value of a stock as compared to the company’s earnings. The price/earnings ratios are listed in the chart below. To calculate the price/earnings ratio, the CFO took the earnings per share and divided that into the market value. As an example, this means that in


    investors were willing to pay $


    for $1 of earnings.


    Market Price


    Earnings Per Share

    Price/Earnings Ratio12.10

    Price/Earnings Ratio 2018 2017
    6.91 7.87 9.15
    10.63 9.14

    To further assess market value, the CFO looked at book value per share. The book value per share ratio is the per share value of a company in terms of the equity available to stockholders. The book values per share over the past three years are listed in the chart below:


    Market Price83.6283.6283.62

    Book Value per Share

    Price to Book Ratio

    Price/Ratio Ratio
    199.1 209.05 226
    .42 .40 .37

    The price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio) compares a firm’s market capitalization to its book value. It’s calculated by dividing the company’s stock price per share by book value per share. Here, for fiscal year 2019, the book value per share ratio was 0.42. This explains that investors were willing to pay $0.42 for $1 of book value equity. Price to book value is an important measure to see how much equity shareholders are paying for the net assets value of the company. P/B ratios under 1 are typically considered solid investments.

    • Based on your analysis, what is your general perception of the company’s financial strength? Is it performing well given industry standards? How does it compare to its closest rival, HCA Healthcare? What information do you need in order to conduct such an analysis?
    • Given your review, how can it maximize shareholder value? What are focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term? What short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains?
    • In your analysis, you may choose to look at competitive data. You may calculate ratios to gain a true comparison.
    • After conducting your analysis, provide at least three recommendations to Maria that maximize shareholder value.


    Create a report that tells the financial condition of this company. Your report should provide information on the following:

    • Analysis of the financial statements.
    • Evaluation of the true condition and valuation of the company.
    • Recommendation of actionable items for the company based on the financial analysis.


    Remember that you’re preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time.

    • Title Page.
    • Executive Summary.
    • Company Background.
    • Overall Financial Analysis.
    • Financial Ratio Analysis.
    • Trend Analysis.
    • Competitive Comparative Analysis.
    • Recommendations.
    • Conclusion.
    • References.
    • Appendix (if you have additional data, reports, charts, et cetera, to support your analysis).


  • Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.
    • Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
    • Format your paper according to APA style and formatting.
    • Use at least three scholarly resources.
    • Length: Between 4-6 pages of content, beyond the title page, references, and appendices.
    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1:
    • Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
    • Analyze financial ratio analysis, trend analysis, and competitive average analysis.

    • Competency 3:
    • Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
    • Evaluate the provided financial statements of the firm to find its true condition and valuation.

    • Competency 4:
    • Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.
    • Develop actionable items and conclusions, based on the analysis, recommending at least three ways to maximize shareholder value.

    • Competency 5: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholdersTell the current financial story as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company. Identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term. Note what short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains.

    Your course instructor will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable from the perspective of Maria Gomez. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


    This assessment demonstrates your ability to conduct a financial analysis. Include it in your personal ePortfolio.


    Financial Condition Analysis Scoring Guide


    Analyze financial ratio analysis, trend analysis, and competitive average analysis.

    Analyzes financial ratio analysis from each category, trend analysis, and competitive average analyze; includes trend analysis going back three years for each ratio.

    Evaluate the provided financial statements of the firm to find its true condition and valuation.

    Evaluates the provided financial statements of the firm to find its true condition and valuation; supports evaluation with details and examples to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses.

    Develop actionable items and conclusions, based on the analysis, recommending at least three ways to maximize shareholder value.

    Develops actionable items and conclusions, based on the data analysis, recommending at least three ways to maximize shareholder value; actions and conclusions have strong alignment to the data analysis and interpretation.

    Tell the current financial story as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company. Identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term. Note what short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains.

    Tells the current financial story of the firm as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company; provides details and examples to support telling the financial story. Identifies focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term. Notes what short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains.

    Does not analyze financial ratio analysis, trend analysis, and competitive average analysis. Analyzes financial ratio analysis, trend analysis, and competitive average analysis; however, there is a disconnect between the conclusions and the various financial analysis tools. Analyzes financial ratio analysis, trend analysis, and competitive average analysis.
    Does not analyze the provided financial statements of the firm. Analyzes the provided financial statements of the firm; however, does not accurately describe the firm’s true condition and valuation. Evaluates the provided financial statements of the firm to find its true condition and valuation.
    Does not develop actionable items recommending at least three ways to maximize shareholder value. Develops items and conclusions; however, they are misaligned with the analysis. Develops actionable items and conclusions, based on the analysis, recommending at least three ways to maximize shareholder value.
    Does not outline a financial story as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company. Does not identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term nor note what short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains. Outlines a financial story of the firm as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company. Does not identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term nor note what short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains. Tells the current financial story as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company. Identifies focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term. Notes what short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains.





    The following resources may be useful in learning about time value of money (TVM) and how to calculate TVM in Excel:

    • Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2016). Excel 2016 formulas. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.You will find explanations on using Excel to calculate financials in these chapters:Chapter 11, “Borrowing and Investing Formulas.”Chapter 12, “Discounting and Depreciation Formulas.”Chapter 13, “Financial Schedules.”
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 4, “Discounted Cash Flow Valuation,” pages 82-128.
    • Schmidt, C. E. (2016). A journey through time: From the present value to the future value and back or: Retirement planning: A comprehensible application of the time value of money concept. American Journal of Business Education, 9(3), 137-143.
    • Time Value of Money | Transcript.This presentation discusses the components that make up time value of money. The presenter also provides examples to compute and read the computations.
    • Mayes, T. R. (n.d.). Microsoft Excel as a financial calculator part I.http://www.tvmcalcs.com/index.php/calculators/exce…
    • Skillsoft. (n.d.). Financial statement analysis for non-financial professionals.Go to the Analyzing the Financial Statement section in the Table of Contents menu, and select The Time Value of Money.
    • Seeking Alpha. (2016, March 28). Does Warren Buffett use discounted cash flow?https://seekingalpha.com/instablog/5969741-the-val…
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 6, “Stock Valuation,” pages 164-193. Find out how the valuation of these securities determines the ultimate value of the entire enterprise.
    • Edspira. (n.d.). Capital stock (common stock and preferred stock) [Video] | Transcript
    • TheFinCoach. (2012). Session 08: Objective 1 – common stock valuation [Video] | Transcript
    • Harper, D. (2018, February 18). Forces that move stock prices.https://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/04/10…
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 4, “Discounted Cash Flow Valuation,” pages 82-128.

    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 5, “Interest Rates and Bond Valuation,” pages 129-163. This chapter illustrates the employment of time value of money concepts to determine the value of corporate debt/bonds and common/preferred stock.
    • McCracken, M. (n.d.). Bond valuation [Video] | Transcripthttp://www.teachmefinance.com/bondvaluation.html
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 7, “Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules,” pages 194-228. This chapter introduces the process of capital budgeting, which determines the value of a potential investment/project to a firm. That is, it weeds out good investments from the bad. Evaluating capital budget projects is a critical function for any business professional involved with finance decisions.Chapter 8, “Making Capital Investment Decisions,” pages 229-261. The key to valuation of investments and projects is the cash they generate. This chapter illustrates the way to figure the all-important cash flows from investment projects.
    • Van Dalsem, S. (2017). Capital budgeting cash flows tutorial [Video] | TranscriptView the segment, 12:36-27:36.
    • Nockolas, S. (2015). How do you calculate payback period using Excel?https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/051315/ho…
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 9, “Risk Analysis, Real Options, and Capital Budgeting,” pages 262-286. The concept of risk is introduced in this chapter. Risk is an important aspect of business and investment, and the impact of risk needs to be measured on all capital projects.
    • Sham, G. (n.d.). Capital budgeting: Wrapping it all up.https://www.investopedia.com/university/capital-bu…
    • Finance and Accounting Videos by Prof Coram. (n.d.). Profitability index calculation using Excel [Video] | Transcript
    • Financecanbefun. (2014). Capital budgeting in Excel example [Video] | TranscriptView the segment 1:53-16:53.


    Use capital budgeting tools to determine the quality of three proposed investment projects, and prepare a 6-8 page report that analyzes your computations and recommends the project that will bring the most value to the company.


    This assessment is about one of the basic functions of the finance manager, which is allocating capital to areas that will increase shareholder value and add the most value to the company. This means forecasting the projected cash flows of the projects and employing capital budgeting metrics to determine which project, given the forecast cash flows, gives the firm the best chance to maximize shareholder value. As a finance professional, you are expected to:

    • Use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs.
    • Evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations.
    • Prepare reports and present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.


    Senior leadership has now called upon you to analyze three capital project requests based on forecasted cash flow as they relate to maximizing shareholder value.


    You are one of Maria’s high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and she trusts your work and leadership. Senior leadership was impressed with your presentation in Assessment 1 and they are tasking you with the analysis of these three proposed capital projects based on forecasted cash flow. You have completed forecasting the projected cash flows of the projects as reflected in the attached spreadsheets,

    Projected Cash Flows [XLSX]

    . You now need to conduct your analysis recommending which will provide the most shareholder value to the organization.


    • Use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Remember to only evaluate the incremental changes to cash flows.
    • Employing capital budgeting metrics, determine which project, given the forecast cash flows, gives the organization the best chance to maximize shareholder value.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI). The analysis of the capital projects will need to be correctly computed and the resulting decisions rational.
    • Evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations. Accurately compare the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and then make rational decisions based on the findings.
    • Select the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company. Provide a rationale for your recommendations based on your financial analysis.
    • Prepare reports and present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.

    Project A: Major Equipment Purchase

    • A new major equipment purchase, which will cost $10 million; however, it is projected to reduce cost of sales by 5% per year for 8 years.
    • The equipment is projected to be sold for salvage value estimated to be $500,000 at the end of year 8.
    • Being a relatively safe investment, the required rate of return of the project is 8%.
    • The equipment will be depreciated at a MACRS 7-year schedule.
    • Annual sales for year 1 are projected at $20 million and should stay the same per year for 8 years.
    • Before this project, cost of sales has been 60%.
    • The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%.

    Project B: Expansion Into Three Additional States

    • Expansion into three additional states has a forecast to increase sales/revenues and cost of sales by 10% per year for 5 years.
    • Annual sales for the previous year were $20 million.
    • Start-up costs are projected to be $7 million and an upfront needed investment in net working capital of $1 million. The working capital amount will be recouped at the end of year 5.
    • The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%.

    • Being a risky investment, the required rate of return of the project is 12%.

    Project C: Marketing/Advertising Campaign

    • A major new marketing/advertising campaign, which will cost $2 million per year and last 6 years.
    • It is forecast that the campaign will increase sales/revenues and costs of sales by 15% per year.
    • Annual sales for the previous year were $20 million.The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%.

    • Being a moderate risk investment, the required rate of return of the project is 10%.


    In this assessment, you will prepare an appropriate evaluation report to senior leadership using sound research and data to defend your decision.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.Use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools, including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI).
    • Competency 2:
    • Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
    • Evaluate the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goals of maximizing shareholder value. Accurately compare the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and then make rational decisions based on the findings.

    • Competency 3: Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.Select the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company. Provide a rationale for your recommendations based on your financial analysis.
    • Competency 5: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholders.Prepare an appropriate evaluation report for senior leadership, using sound research and data to defend the decision. Present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.

    Your course instructor will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable in the role of your boss and stakeholders. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


    This assessment shows potential employers and clients that you can analyze capital projects to determine whether and how they can provide value to shareholders. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.

    Report requirements:

      Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.Format your paper according to APA style and formatting.Use at least three scholarly resources.

    • Length: Between 6-8 pages of content beyond the title page, references, and any appendices.
    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.


    Evaluation of Capital Projects Scoring Guide


    Use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools, including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI).

    Applies capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compares them to upfront costs, providing a summary analysis. Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools, including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI), incorporating these concepts in the analysis.

    Evaluate the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goals of maximizing shareholder value. Accurately compare the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and then make rational decisions based on the findings

    Evaluates the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goals of maximizing stakeholder value; adds potential non-quantitative factors that could be incorporated into decision making; provides details and examples. Accurately compares the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and then makes rational decisions based on the findings.

    Select the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company. Provide a rationale for your recommendations based on your financial analysis

    Selects the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the shareholder; supports selection with details and data. Provides a rationale for the recommendations based on the financial analysis.

    Prepare an appropriate evaluation report for senior leadership, using sound research and data to defend the decision. Present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.

    Prepares an appropriate evaluation report for senior leadership, using sound research and data to defend the decision; justifies selection decision with a summary of rationale and illustrates its impact on the firm; uses details and examples. Presents the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.

    Does not use capital budgeting tools to compute future projects cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Applies computations of capital budgeting tools but unable to compute future projects cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Does not demonstrate knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools, including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI). Uses capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compares them to upfront costs. Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools, including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI).
    Does not analyze capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goals of maximizing shareholder value. Analyzes the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goals of maximizing shareholder value. But does not accurately compare the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools, making rational decisions based on the findings. Evaluates the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goals. of maximizing shareholder value. Accurately compares the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and them makes rational decisions based on the findings.
    Does not select a capital project. Selects a capital project; however, selection is not based on sound data analysis and evaluation. Selects the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company. Provides a rationale for the recommendations based on the financial analysis.
    Does not prepare an evaluation report that is based on data nor sound analysis, demonstrating the concepts learned. Prepares an evaluation report for senior leadership; however, it is based on faulty research and data that does not adequately defend the decision. Prepares an appropriate evaluation report for senior leadership, using sound research and data to defend the decision. Presents the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.





    • Buffett, W. (1984, May 17). The superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville.https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/articles/columbia-business/superinvestors
    • Sumflows. (2013). Warren Buffett: Diversification [Video] | Transcript
    • How Warren Buffett thinks about risk [Blog post]. (2016, March 9). Newstex Global Business Blogs.
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.The following chapters advance the concept of risk by relating it to return. The concepts of risk and return are directly correlated. They affect investment and capital project selection and are incorporated in corporation and investment value.Chapters 10, “Risk and Return: Lessons from Market History,” pages 287-315.Chapters 11, “Return and Risk: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM),” pages 316-356.
    • Simon, B. (2013). Finance lecture – risk, return and CAPM [Video] | TranscriptView the segment 1:01:00-1:16:00.
    • Klontz, B. T., & Horwitz, E. J. (2017). Behavioral finance 2.0: Financial psychology. Journal of Financial Planning, 30(5), 28-29.This article describes how behavioral finance is the application of cognitive psychology to finance.
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 13, “Efficient Capital Markets and Behavioral Challenges,” pages 390-422. This chapter contrasts two of the primary theories of investing: the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and the behavioral finance view. They are primarily mutually exclusive concepts and color investors’ views of how much they can impact investment returns.
    • YaleCourses. (2012). Behavioral finance and the role of psychology [Video] | Transcript
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 12, “Risk, Cost of Capital, and Valuation,” pages 357-389. This chapter deals with one of the most well known financial concepts: the cost of capital, or how to figure the threshold rate for investment projects.
    • Edspira. (n.d.). Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) [Video] | Transcript
    • Beers, B. (2018, February 9). How is debt “a relatively cheaper form of finance than equity”? https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/debtch…
    • Pysh, P. (2012). What is financial risk [Video] | Transcript
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.These two chapters deal with the capital structure of a firm, that is, how a firm will finance itself, via debt or equity. An examination of the features, benefits, and negatives of financing through both financing types will be discussed in these chapters.Chapter 14, “Capital Structure: Basic Concepts,” pages 423-450.Chapter 15, “Capital Structure: Limits to the Use of Debt,” pages 451-479.
    • Understanding Finance. (2014). James Tompkins: The capital structure decision and taxes[Video] | Transcript View the first 15 minutes of the video.Baker, H. K., & Weigand, R. (2015). Corporate dividend policy revisited. Managerial Finance, 41(2), 126-144.Bochman, A. (2013, June 24). Do dividends create shareholder value? [Blog post].https://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/2013/06/24…Chemmanur, T. J., & Liu, M. H. (2011). Institutional trading, information production, and the choice between spin-off, carve-outs, and tracking stock issues. Journal of Corporate Finance, 17(1), 62-82.Boyte-White, C. (2017). How dividends affect stock prices.https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/09…Picardo, E. (2018, March 7). Impact of share repurchases.https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/11…Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 16, “Dividends and Other Payouts,” pages 480-514. This chapter discusses dividend policy and deals with real returns to shareholders and, thus, it has a profound impact on stock valuation and price. Short-term financial planning is the essential discipline of finance to ensure that the firm’s liquidity is intact and that ongoing operations of firm are secure.
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2021). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 18, “Short-Term Finance and Planning,” pages 551-582. In this chapter, see how short-term financial planning is the essential discipline of finance to ensure that the firm’s liquidity is intact and that ongoing operations of firm are secure.
    • Moy, R. (2013). Short term financial planning – uses and sources of cash [Video] | Transcript

    Calculating WACC and Maximizing Shareholder Value

    • Adams, M. (2017, September 26). How to calculate the WACC from a balance sheet.https://bizfluent.com/how-5325911-calculate-wacc-b…
    • Macabacus. (n.d.). Spin-offs and split-offs. http://macabacus.com/restructuring/spin-offs
    • Hollberg, M. (2017). That’s WACC! The Web’s best WACC calculator.http://thatswacc.com/index.php
    • rnrfinance. (2012). Preferred stock valuation [Video]
    • Yang, J. L. (2013, August 26). Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/ma…

    Capella Career Center

    As you wrap up this course, it is a good time for you to reflect on how you can apply the knowledge you have gained and talk about it professionally. Possible opportunities could include performance review conversations, promotion proposals, and salary negotiations, as well as resume accomplishment statements, interview responses, and professional networking conversations.

    Refer to MBA Program Resources to access Capella’s Career Center for resources that can help you make the most of your experience and education to achieve your goals, including how to use your ePortfolio effectively to showcase your work as part of a job search.


    An 8-10 slide presentation to your staff describing your analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.


    This assessment builds on your prior work in Assessments 1 and 2. It is a presentation to your staff describing you analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.

      Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.


    The senior leadership has approved your recommendations to move forward. You are now tasked with operationalizing your recommendations. Meeting with your staff, you will translate recommendations to strategies and corresponding tactical objectives. You will explain how you used financial analysis to develop these recommendations, discussing the financial tools you will use to monitor implementation progress.


    You are one of the high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and are under consideration for a promotion to Director of Operations.


    Follow these steps to complete this presentation:

    • You are presenting to your staff a summary of the reports presented to senior leadership (Assessments 1 and 2).
    • Start by presenting the overall current financial condition of the company as presented to senior leadership (one to two slides).
    • Provide an overview of your analysis, linking what tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure) you utilized and why you chose these tools (two slides).
    • Link the data used to support your evidence-based financial decisions, providing justification for the recommendations (two slides).
    • State the recommendations focused on maximizing stakeholder value into strategies newly adopted by the company, i.e., expansion to a new geographical market, the development of a new dividend policy, changes in capital expenditures, reduction of workforce (one slide).
    • Translate those strategies to tactical objectives to be implemented by your staff, noting evidenced-based academic citations (one to two slides).
    • Discuss what financial tools you will use to monitor the progress of these tactics (one slide).


    • Be sure to use a bullet format in your slides but also include detailed narrative supported by relevant literature citations in the notes section.
    • Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.Use at least three scholarly resources.

    • Length: 8-10 content slides in addition to title and reference slides.
    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.

    EVALUATIONBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.Demonstrate an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments 1 and 2. Provide a rationale for why tools were utilized.
    • Competency 2: Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.Link the data used to support evidence-based recommendations, translating the recommendations to strategies focused on maximizing stakeholder value.
    • Competency 3: Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.Translate strategies to tactical objectives to be implemented by staff, noting evidenced-based academic citations.
    • Competency 4: Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.Evaluate and recommend financial tools to be used to monitor the progress of these tactics.

    Your course instructor will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were your CEO. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


    This portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of an MBA learner in the workplace. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.


    Financial Engineering to Enhance Shareholder Value Scoring Guide


    DISTINGUISHED Demonstrate an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments 1 and 2. Provide a rationale for why tools were utilized.

    Does not demonstrate an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments1 and 2. Does not provide a rationale for why tools were utilized. Demonstrates an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments 1 and 2. But does not provide a rationale for why tools were utilized. Demonstrates an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments 1 and 2. Provides a rationale for why tools were utilized.

    Demonstrates an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments 1 and 2. Provides a rationale, supported by models and theories, for why such tools were utilized.

    Link the da User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service. Explanation & AnswerAttached.Assignment 1Assignment 2Assignment 3Please add me 1 more day.Attached.1Capital Project Evaluation Report for ABC Healthcare CorporationNameInstitutionInstructorDate2Capital Project Evaluation Report for ABC Healthcare CorporationExecutive SummaryThis report analyzes three potential capital investment projects for ABC Healthcare basedon projected incremental cash flows and recommended capital budgeting metrics. The analysisaims to determine which project provides the best opportunity to maximize shareholder value.Project SummariesProject A: Major equipment purchases with $10M upfront cost to decrease the price ofgoods sold by 5% annually for 8 years.Project B: Expansion into 3 new states with $8M startup/working capital costs to increaserevenues by 10% annually for 5 years.Project C: $2M annual marketing campaign over 6 years to boost revenues by 15%annually.Using net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, andprofitability index (PI), the study identifies Project B as the clear best option given its high NPV,IRR above the hurdle rate, and relatively quick payback period. Project C is the next mostattractive, while Project A provides fewer compelling returns.The report recommends proceeding with Project B’s geographic expansion based on thepotential for $53.2M in NPV creation and an attractive 43.7% IRR over the 5-year investmentperiod. As Farro (2023) said, it will be crucial to develop concrete execution plans to realize theprojected revenue. Overall, Project B presents the optimal use of capital to drive long-termshareholder value creation for ABC Healthcare.Capital Budgeting AnalysisProject A: Equipment PurchaseUpfront Cost: $10,000,000Annual Cost Savings: $600,000 from a 5% reduction in the cost of goods soldProjected Cashflows and AnalysisThe $10M equipment expenditure provides the firm $4.1M in net present value based onthe forecast of $600K annual cost savings over 8 years. This translates into a respectable 18.3%internal rate of return, exceeding the 8% hurdle rate. The project has a relatively short payback of4.0 years and a profitability index 1.41, indicating value creation.While attractive from a strict return perspective, there are a few potential downsides toconsider with Project A’s machinery investment:1. The cost savings are reflected solely on expense, with no revenue upside. A highoperating leverage structure elevates risk.2. The cost of goods sold must be closely monitored to ensure the projected 5% annualsavings fully materialize as expected.33. There could be integration/changeover costs to install new production equipment that arenot accounted for here.Overall, Project A provides a reasonably strong return at limited downside risk, thoughthe upside potential may be somewhat capped versus other alternatives.Project B: Geographic ExpansionUpfront Cost: $8,000,000 ($7M startup costs + $1M net working capital investment)Projected Revenue Uplift: 10% annual increase for 5 yearsProjected Cashflows & AnalysisThe $8M investment required to expand into 3 new states is extremely attractive based onthe projected $53.2M net present value from the expansion’s cash flows over 5 years. At a robust43.7% internal rate of return, well exceeding the 12% hurdle rate, Project B appears to be anexcellent use of capital and a value-creating opportunity.The expansion initiative has an acceptable 3.6-year payback window to recoup theupfront investment. The profitability index of 7.65 indicates outstanding value creation potential,with $7.65 generated for every $1 invested.Key advantages of pursuing Project B include:1. The 10% annual revenue uplift forecast seems reasonably achievable but not overlyoptimistic based on industry growth trends2. Geographic diversification helps to mitigate operational and payor concentration risk3. Favorable investment returns persist even if revenue ramps up slower than projectedIf diligently executed, the geographic expansion offers significant value creation potentialwith limited downside risk (De Marchi et al., 2020). Ensuring proper rollout with well-definedoperational processes will be critical to fully realizing the upside.Project C: Marketing CampaignUpfront Cost: $12,000,000 (6 years at $2M per year marketing spend)Projected Revenue Uplift: 15% annual increase for 6 yearsProjected Cashflows and AnalysisABC’s proposed $12M marketing investment falls short of Project B but holds solidprofitability potential. Over the 6-year campaign window, Project C could generate $9.9M in netpresent value based on the 15% annual revenue increase forecast.At a 17.7% internal rate of return, Project C exceeds the 10% hurdle rate and wouldcreate meaningful value for shareholders. With a payback period of 4.9 years, ABC wouldrecoup the upfront marketing spend relatively quickly. The profitability index of 1.82 signalsvalue creation, though not as prolific as the geographic expansion path (Lucas, 2023).Potential advantages of the marketing program include:41. A proven uplift in brand equity and consumer demand should drive sustainable revenuegrowth across the entire footprint2. A lower upfront investment requirement of $12M provides more financial flexibility3. Diversification into new services/products could enhance revenue durability over time4. Risks that would need mitigation include:5. The 15% annual lift may be an ambitious target depending on the current brandpositioning6. Return metrics are more sensitive to potential shortfalls in the projected revenue upliftversus other projects7. Lack of direct cost savings could create operating de-leverage if revenues disappointOverall, Project C offers a compelling return profile worthy of consideration, particularlyif existing branding/positioning is lacking. However, the geographic expansion in Project Bappears to present the superior use of capital based on the capital budgeting criteria.RecommendationBased on the comprehensive analysis employing net present value, internal rate of return,payback period, and profitability index methodologies, I recommend that ABC HealthcareCorporation move forward with Project B’s proposed geographic expansion into 3 new states.Among the three candidates evaluated, Project B exhibits the highest value creationpotential with a robust $53.2M net present value and exceptionally strong 43.7% internal rate ofreturn over the 5-year investment period. This IRR sits well above the 12% hurdle rate requiredfor a project of this risk profile. Project B’s payback period of only 3.6 years is also highlyattractive, as is the 7.65 profitability index, indicating significant value generation for the upfrontcapital outlay.While Project C’s marketing campaign remains potentially viable as a secondaryinitiative, I do not believe it maximizes shareholder value to the same degree as the geographicdiversification strategy. While offering a compelling equipment upgrade, Project A appears tohave more limited upside from a strict return on investment perspective.The proposed geographic expansion aligns well with prevailing healthcare market trendsthat favor scale and diversification. By extending the system’s footprint into 3 additional states,ABC can accelerate its growth trajectory, expand brand reach, and capitalize on new revenueopportunities. There are inherent risks in any geographic rollout, but the upside possibilitiesoutweigh potential downsides or integration hurdles far if executed diligently.As the analysis indicates, the capital budgeting metrics emphatically signal Project B asthe optimal use of capital for driving long-term shareholder value creation. I recommend wemove expeditiously toward developing a comprehensive operational blueprint to pursue thisexpansion opportunity over the coming months. Proper planning will enable ABC to fullycapitalize on the upside revenue potential that Project B presents.5ReferencesDe Marchi, V., Di Maria, E., Golini, R., & Perri, A. (2020). Nurturing international businessresearch through global value chains literature: A review and discussion of futureresearch opportunities. International Business Review, 29(5), 101708.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2020.101708Farro, D. (2023). The transition from sales and operations plan to integrated business plan: asystematic literature review. https://www.politesi.polimi.it/handle/10589/204399Lucas, D. (2023). Reflections on what financial economics can and cannot teach us about thesocial discount rate. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 15, 185-195.https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-financial-041123-123258FINANCIAL ENGINEERING TO ENTRANCESHAREHOLDER VALUEPRESENTATION TO STAFFOverall Financial ConditionABC Healthcare has remained solidly profitable but has experiencedconcerning declines in profitability metrics over the past 3 yearsi.Gross profit margins down 210 bps to 34.2%ii.Operating margins down 290 bps to 18.5%iii.Net margins down 360 bps to 11.2%Efficiency ratios like asset turnover have also worsened from 0.82 to 0.74,suggesting productive capabilities are being underutilizedFrom a market valuation standpoint, ABC trades at a premium 12.1x P/Emultiple, above peer HCA at 10.8xi.However, ABC’s P/B ratio of 0.42 significantly lags HCA’s 1.65ii.Implies the market views ABC’s growth prospects as limited and/or itsassets as overvalued on the balance sheetAreas of opportunity include strengthening profitable growth, enhancingoperational and asset efficiency, unlocking potential asset value (Lucas,2023).Analysis Overview❑To comprehensively evaluate ABC’s financial condition and capital allocation prospects, we utilized arange of financial tools and frameworks, including:i.Financial statements (income, balance sheet, cash flows)ii.Profitability ratios (margins, returns)iii.Efficiency ratios (asset turnover, cash conversion cycle)iv.Leverage/coverage ratiosv.Industry trends and peer benchmarking analysisvi.Valuation metrics like P/E and P/B multiplesvii.Capital budgeting techniques (NPV, IRR, payback)❑This multi-faceted approach allows us to assess ABC’s current performance, identifystrengths/weaknesses, benchmark versus competitors, and evaluate growth opportunities- With the end goal of developing recommendations to optimize long-term shareholder value creation (DeMarchi et al., 2020).Supporting Data❖ABC’s financial statements and ratio analysis reveal a companyfacing operational headwinds impacting profitability and efficiency✓ Gross profit margins declined from 36.3% to 34.2% (2017 to 2019)✓ Net profit margins down from 14.8% to 11.2% over the same period✓ Asset turnover ratio dropped from 0.82 to 0.74✓ Signals increasingly inefficient asset utilization as revenue growthhas decelerated✓ Interest coverage ratio declined from 11.6 to 9.4✓ Due to rising debt levels and higher interest expenses, pressuringearnings available to service debt❖ Revenue growth has slowed to just 2.4% annually – relativelystagnant for ABC’s size and diversification across the healthcarelandscapeConti.➢ Valuation metrics indicate a divergence in how the market currently viewsABC Healthcare relative to competitors like HCA:1.ABC trades at a premium 12.1 P/E multiple2.This valuation implies the market expects relatively robust earnings growthpotential3.However, ABC’s P/B ratio of just 0.42 suggests a steep discount to bookvalue4.Potential signals that growth is seen as limited and/or assets are overvalued5.HCA trades at 1.65 P/B – a much higher premium➢ The capital budgeting analysis identified Project B (geographic expansioninto 3 new states) as the superior use of capital1.Offering a compelling $53.2M net present value from the investment2.At an exceptional 43.7% internal rate of return, well-exceeding targets3.With a relatively quick 3.6-year payback period to recoup upfront costsRecommendations to Maximize Shareholder Value▪Based on the comprehensive analysis, we recommend the following strategies for ABC Healthcare toenhance shareholder value over the long term:1. Pursue the geographic expansion opportunity (Project B) to drive diversification and reigniterevenue/earnings growth- Must be accompanied by solid execution planning to realize full potential2. Implement initiatives to boost operational excellence and regain profitability- Supply chain/procurement optimization, labor productivity, revenue cycle enhancements- Improve asset productivity and returns to create operating leverage3. Evaluate optimizing the capital structure by prudently leveraging up- Current leverage ratios remain conservative with the capacity to take on more cost-effective debt4. Streamline the business portfolio by identifying non-core assets for potential divestiture- Monetizing underperforming units can unlock shareholder value5. Enhance investor communications and transparency around growth strategy- Articulating the long-term vision can gradually re-rate the undervalued stockImplementation Tactics❑ To successfully execute the recommended value creation strategies, ABC shouldimplement the following key tactics:•Develop a comprehensive geographic expansion blueprint with definedmilestones/processes•Ensure new facilities/markets are integrated seamlessly into operations•Launch broad-based profit enhancement initiatives to boost margins•Negotiate better supply costs, optimize scheduling/staffing, enhance revenue cycle•Analyze opportunities for strategic acquisitions/tuck-ins to accelerate growth in newmarkets•Rigorously evaluate current portfolio to identify underperforming entities•Consider divestiture of non-core assets, redeploying proceeds into higher-returnopportunities•Revamp investor relations strategy to increase transparency and better articulate thegrowth roadmap•More frequent communications, meetings with institutional investors/analystsFinancial Monitoring Tools•To track the successful implementation of these initiatives, we will employthe following key financial monitoring tools:1.Project NPV, IRR, and payback metrics to ensure geographic expansion isunfolding as modeled2.Margin and productivity dashboards to measure improvements3.Cost per admission, revenue per adjusted discharge, asset turnover ratios4.Credit statistic monitoring, including leverage ratios and ratings5.Closely manage any increase in debt load within investment-gradeparameters6.Comprehensive portfolio review scorecards cataloging current stateassessments7.Scoring entities across strategic attractiveness and financial contribution8.Formalized quarterly investor communications cadence and effectivenessmetricsSummary✓ We have utilized a comprehensive financial analysis employing tools like financial statements,profitability/efficiency ratios, valuation comparisons, and capital budgeting returns- To develop evidence-based recommendations to drive long-term shareholder value creation✓ The geographic expansion opportunity represents a potential transformational growth driver if executeddiligently (Farro, 2023) .- Offering diversification benefits and extremely attractive modeled NPV/IRR returns✓ However, it is equally critical that ABC undertakes initiatives to enhance operational excellence- With focused efforts to boost margins, productivity, and asset utilization in the existing footprint✓ We will employ a disciplined capital allocation approach- Prudently leveraging up where appropriate but maintaining financial flexibility- Evaluating streamlining opportunities to prune non-core entities✓ With rigorous implementation plans and consistent monitoring against key performance metrics❖This balanced strategy focused on internal improvements and external growth opportunities positionsABC to reignite sustainable, profitable growth and maximize shareholder value creation over the long run.ReferencesDe Marchi, V., Di Maria, E., Golini, R., & Perri, A. (2020). Nurturing internationalbusiness research through global value chains literature: A review anddiscussion of future research opportunities. International BusinessReview, 29(5), 101708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2020.101708Farro, D. (2023). The transition from sales and operations plan to integratedbusiness plan: a systematic literature review.https://www.politesi.polimi.it/handle/10589/204399Lucas, D. (2023). Reflections on what financial economics can and cannot teachus about the social discount rate. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 15, 185195. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-financial-041123-1232581Financial Condition AnalysisNameInstitutionInstructorDate2Financial Condition Analysis Report for ABC Healthcare CorporationExecutive SummaryThis paper evaluates ABC Healthcare Corporation’s financial performance and conditionusing the price/earnings and price/book ratios and compares them against competing HCAhealthcare companies. Generally, ABC Healthcare’s current economic status seems favourable.However, there exist areas that should be significantly concerned for it to grow long-term and toachieve its target goals for the shareholders. The analysis enlists strategies ABC sho…Completion Status:100%15 Million Students Helped!Sign up to view the full answerExamineHonor CodeflagReport DMCAReviewReviewHonor CodeflagReport DMCAAnonymousReally helpful material, saved me a great deal of time. Studypool4.7Indeed4.5Sitejabber4.4 24/7 Study HelpStuck on a study question? Our verified tutors can answer all questions, from basic math to advanced rocket science!Post questionMost Popular Content University of Liverpool Cyber Insurance Analytical Report University of Liverpool Cyber Insurance Analytical Report FNU Flint Water Crisis Inadequate Water Treatment & Environmental Monitoring Essay BOOK NAME : BUSINESS ETHICS CONCEPTS AND CASES EIGHTH EDITION BY MANUEL G. VELASQUEZChapter 5 of our textbook deals with E … FNU Flint Water Crisis Inadequate Water Treatment & Environmental Monitoring Essay BOOK NAME : BUSINESS ETHICS CONCEPTS AND CASES EIGHTH EDITION BY MANUEL G. VELASQUEZChapter 5 of our textbook deals with Environmental issues and ways companies pollute our planet.I would like you to research and write a paper about the Flint Water Crisis which started in Flint Michigan in 2014.Research and use minimum 2 articles using our school’s LIRN Database, Proquest is a good source of articles.Do not Google this, I will not accept any google references.Write minimum 2 pages and use APA 7 style format and don’t forget to list your references.Go to the link above to go to the FNU database link. (https://proxy.lirn.net/)Add the school name: Florida National University, then click on the LIRN portal below.Next, enter the school user name: 24439and the school password: smartlearn39Then scroll down and search for the Psychology group/category.Next,go to ProQuest Central or Psychology Database to search for you topicon the search bar and then click on full text to get the fullinformation pages.Finally, you will be able to choose 3 journals of the all the available articles to provide your 3 journals for the paper.Goto “Cite” to find the reference information for the article you arereviewing. This article reference info can be copied and pasted on theReference page for your paper.4 pages Prescribed Fire The maintenance of forests is a major mandate that should be adhered to in order to maintain and preserve an adequate habi … Prescribed Fire The maintenance of forests is a major mandate that should be adhered to in order to maintain and preserve an adequate habitat for wildlife and create …Indiana University Bloomington, communications homework help Indiana University Bloomington offers on online certification to familiarize individuals with plagiarism.  Follow the … Indiana University Bloomington, communications homework help Indiana University Bloomington offers on online certification to familiarize individuals with plagiarism.  Follow the link above, read the links then take the quiz to earn your certification.  Once you earn your certification, take a screen shot of the certification or the email they send then upload that picture to Canvas for credit.Each randomly selected question on a test provides source material from another author and a sample of student writing. The test taker must determine whether the student version is word-for-word plagiarism, paraphrasing plagiarism, or not plagiarism. Many questions exemplify subtle forms of plagiarism which represent incomplete or incorrect understanding of plagiarism, carelessness, or attempts to disguise actual plagiarism.Unlike classroom tests you have taken in school, Certification Tests do not provide specific feedback on questions answered incorrectly. This is done on purpose to make it harder to cheat by simply memorizing answers to questions. After the test, you will receive a general description of some kinds of misunderstandings you may have.If you take several tests, and do not pass, the outcome is very unlikely to change until you learn more about plagiarism.Learn more through instruction on how to recognize plagiarism (Links to an external site.). You can view examples (Links to an external site.) of different kinds of plagiarism with explanations.Practice how to recognize plagiarism (Links to an external site.) with specific feedback on why your answers are right or wrong. Take practice tests (Links to an external site.) where you get specific feedback on your results.YOU WILL NEED TO SCREEN SHOT YOUR CERTIFICATION AND UPLOAD THE PHOTO TO CANVAS.Management Enron & the Dabhol Power Project Negotiations Questions I need you to answer these questions based on the document attached.1. Why do you think the results of the first negotiati … Management Enron & the Dabhol Power Project Negotiations Questions I need you to answer these questions based on the document attached.1. Why do you think the results of the first negotiationwere so skewed in favor of Enron?2. In the second round, Enron appears to have traded offequity ownership for increased capacity. Its reductionin tariff of 1 cent per KwH appears to have beenabsorbed by the larger production quotas and the useof lower-priced naphtha fuel. Why was Enron willing tomake this trade-off? Why did the state of Maharashtraget more for its willingness to allow Enron to restartthe project?3. What can be learned from the first two rounds of theDabhol power project negotiations about engaging inbig foreign direct investment projects that are highlyvisible on the world economic scene?4. How did GE and Bechtel’s filing for arbitration move thedispute along?5. What is the difference between GE’s deal versusBechtel’s deal? Both had the same amount of equity inthe DPP, so why was Bechtel able to get $15 millionmore?6. What general principles can you come up with for foreigndirect investors using interests, rights, and power toprotect their investments in developing countries?7. What general principles can you come up with forgovernments negotiating with foreign direct investors? 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VELASQUEZChapter 5 of our textbook deals with Environmental issues and ways companies pollute our planet.I would like you to research and write a paper about the Flint Water Crisis which started in Flint Michigan in 2014.Research and use minimum 2 articles using our school’s LIRN Database, Proquest is a good source of articles.Do not Google this, I will not accept any google references.Write minimum 2 pages and use APA 7 style format and don’t forget to list your references.Go to the link above to go to the FNU database link. (https://proxy.lirn.net/)Add the school name: Florida National University, then click on the LIRN portal below.Next, enter the school user name: 24439and the school password: smartlearn39Then scroll down and search for the Psychology group/category.Next,go to ProQuest Central or Psychology Database to search for you topicon the search bar and then click on full text to get the fullinformation pages.Finally, you will be able to choose 3 journals of the all the available articles to provide your 3 journals for the paper.Goto “Cite” to find the reference information for the article you arereviewing. This article reference info can be copied and pasted on theReference page for your paper.4 pages Prescribed Fire The maintenance of forests is a major mandate that should be adhered to in order to maintain and preserve an adequate habi … Prescribed Fire The maintenance of forests is a major mandate that should be adhered to in order to maintain and preserve an adequate habitat for wildlife and create …Indiana University Bloomington, communications homework help Indiana University Bloomington offers on online certification to familiarize individuals with plagiarism.  Follow the … Indiana University Bloomington, communications homework help Indiana University Bloomington offers on online certification to familiarize individuals with plagiarism.  Follow the link above, read the links then take the quiz to earn your certification.  Once you earn your certification, take a screen shot of the certification or the email they send then upload that picture to Canvas for credit.Each randomly selected question on a test provides source material from another author and a sample of student writing. The test taker must determine whether the student version is word-for-word plagiarism, paraphrasing plagiarism, or not plagiarism. Many questions exemplify subtle forms of plagiarism which represent incomplete or incorrect understanding of plagiarism, carelessness, or attempts to disguise actual plagiarism.Unlike classroom tests you have taken in school, Certification Tests do not provide specific feedback on questions answered incorrectly. This is done on purpose to make it harder to cheat by simply memorizing answers to questions. After the test, you will receive a general description of some kinds of misunderstandings you may have.If you take several tests, and do not pass, the outcome is very unlikely to change until you learn more about plagiarism.Learn more through instruction on how to recognize plagiarism (Links to an external site.). You can view examples (Links to an external site.) of different kinds of plagiarism with explanations.Practice how to recognize plagiarism (Links to an external site.) with specific feedback on why your answers are right or wrong. Take practice tests (Links to an external site.) where you get specific feedback on your results.YOU WILL NEED TO SCREEN SHOT YOUR CERTIFICATION AND UPLOAD THE PHOTO TO CANVAS.Management Enron & the Dabhol Power Project Negotiations Questions I need you to answer these questions based on the document attached.1. Why do you think the results of the first negotiati … Management Enron & the Dabhol Power Project Negotiations Questions I need you to answer these questions based on the document attached.1. Why do you think the results of the first negotiationwere so skewed in favor of Enron?2. In the second round, Enron appears to have traded offequity ownership for increased capacity. Its reductionin tariff of 1 cent per KwH appears to have beenabsorbed by the larger production quotas and the useof lower-priced naphtha fuel. Why was Enron willing tomake this trade-off? Why did the state of Maharashtraget more for its willingness to allow Enron to restartthe project?3. What can be learned from the first two rounds of theDabhol power project negotiations about engaging inbig foreign direct investment projects that are highlyvisible on the world economic scene?4. How did GE and Bechtel’s filing for arbitration move thedispute along?5. What is the difference between GE’s deal versusBechtel’s deal? Both had the same amount of equity inthe DPP, so why was Bechtel able to get $15 millionmore?6. What general principles can you come up with for foreigndirect investors using interests, rights, and power toprotect their investments in developing countries?7. What general principles can you come up with forgovernments negotiating with foreign direct investors? Question and Answer Assume that you have taken on the role of an executive at a company that has a pervasive yet problematic culture. What ste … Question and Answer Assume that you have taken on the role of an executive at a company that has a pervasive yet problematic culture. What steps would you take to change the culture?What role would the executives play in the culture change?How might you apply the a framework to lead the change?What symbolic and substantive actions would you take?How would you mobilize and energize the employees?View more Earn money sellingyour Study DocumentsSell Documents working on a study question?get help from verified tutors now!$(function() { var eventLabel = ‘Floating Banner’; eventLabel = ‘Floating Banner Q&A’; $(‘.floating-banner’).click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); gtag(‘event’, ‘banner_click’, { ‘event_category’: ‘Banners’, ‘event_label’: eventLabel, ‘value’: 1 }); });});×Download Original File$(function() { $(‘.question-box-advertisement’).click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); gtag(‘event’, ‘banner_click’, { ‘event_category’: ‘Banners’, ‘event_label’: ‘Side Banner Q&A’, }); });}); #guest_register_click{ background-color:#00b22d; } #guest_register_click:hover{ background-color:rgba(0, 200, 45, 0.75); } #open_register:hover{ background-color:#444 !important; color:#fff !important; }SUBJECTS WE COVERAccounting Communications Geology Physics Algebra Computer Science Health & Medical Political Science Art & Design Economics History Programming Article Writing Engineering Law Psychology Biology Excel Management Python Business & Finance Environmental Science Marketing SAT Calculus Film Mathematics Social Science Chemistry Foreign Languages Philosophy Sociology Statistics Science Website Design Java flash_onStudypool is powered by MicrotutoringTM!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:’https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’); #twitter-widget-0{ position: relative; top: -4px; left: 11px; } (function() { var po = document.createElement(‘script’); po.type = ‘text/javascript’; po.async = true; po.src = ‘https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js’; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })(); How it works |Honor Code |Terms of Service |Homework Help |Documents |Become a Tutor |Tags |DMCA Policy |Media & Press |Blog |Our Mission Copyright © 2024. 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