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College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Internship Student Report | Month #?
Start Date: __14_/_1__/_2024__
End Date: __14_/_4__/2024___
Student’s Name: Amal Abuthlaim
Student’s ID Number:190183777
Training Organization: Muath Mohammad Bosudah
for Accounting Consultancy
Trainee Department:Owner
Trainee Supervisor Name:Muath
Faculty Member: Maysoon khojah
Academic Year/Semester: Second term
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this
Value added tax (VAT)
Calculating the added value of the customer’s
purchases in the Excel program, considering the
necessity of having the supplier’s tax number, date,
and invoice number, to verify them by reviewing
them with the supplier’s statement. I noticed the
importance of ensuring that the customer’s name
and tax number are present in invoices of high
At the end of the quarter, issue a tax declaration to
import the customer’s value-added amount.
Perform an audit on the Excel purchase invoices
along with the bank statement of the customer to
confirm that the amounts taken out of the bank are
legitimate. Then, input daily entries into the Goyod
What skills did you learn through the month?
New skill(s)
Among the abilities I picked up were managing
work-related stress, completing tasks on time,
supporting my coworkers, and picking up Excel
How many meetings did you attend?
The meeting in the office was held daily to
determine what would be accomplished during the
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
What are the difficulties you had this month?
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Among the challenges I encountered were entering
and categorizing invoices for several clients, given
the volume of clients whose transactions are
examined in Excel every week.
It was challenging to ascertain and examine the
reasons behind the bank withdrawals, and they were
not always evident.
The client submits ambiguous or lacking invoices.
How did you overcome these difficulties?
By assisting staff members and teaching them the
procedures of the workflow, as well as by going to
them for assistance and information-seeking, when
necessary, I was able to overcome these challenges.
What did you learn from completing the tasks
I gained knowledge on how to check the bank
statements of suppliers and determine the amounts
taken out.
Issuing a tax declaration for the client at the Zakat,
Tax and Customs Authority.
Closing restrictions in the Goyod application.
What did you want to learn more?
A method of recording transactions in several
accounting programs
Expense settlement
Communicate with customers and follow up with
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: _______Amal Ahmed Abuthlaim_____________________
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Internship Student Report | Month #?
Start Date: _15_/_2__/2024___
End Date: _7/3_/2024___
Student’s Name:Amal Ahmed Abuthlaim
Training Organization: : Muath Mohammad
Bosudah for Accounting Consultancy
Student’s ID Number:190183777
Trainee Department: Owner
Trainee Supervisor Name: Muath
Faculty Member: Maysoon khojah
Course: Acct430
CRN: 24916
Academic Year/Semester: Second term
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this
1/ Closing the accounts payable account
The first step is to verify the obligations (payables) that the
client has on the balance sheet in the Wafeq program.
(It is important to refer to the customer’s purchases excel to
verify and verify whether the purchases excel matches the
supplier’s statement from which the purchase was made).
The second step is to check through the bank statement
whether the customer’s obligation has been paid and appears
in the debtor list as negative (meaning it has been withdrawn
from the bank).
One of the important pieces of information I learned is that
the accounts receivable and payable accounts are closed on
the 15th of the month.
2/ Auditing the bank statement
It is considered one of the most important audit operations in
the accounting office. When recording entries are completed,
the next step is to review the bank statement because it shows
the amounts entering and leaving the bank. I noticed that the
bank used may be personal, so it is difficult to audit because
there may be personal transfers. I noticed that a slight
increase in some amounts for example, two riyals does not
affect the total amount. In general, we check all amounts, and
if it is noted that the reason for the operation is not clear, we
contact the customer to provide us with sufficient
3/ Periodically entering invoices for several customers into
Excel and checking the supplier’s statement.
What skills did you learn through the month?
New skill(s)
Enter invoices faster.
Communication with customers.
How many meetings did you attend?
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
It may be between every two days depending on the tasks
What are the difficulties you had this month?
Auditing the personal bank account includes several
operations outside of the operations related to the amounts
that we need to review.
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
How did you overcome these difficulties?
Helping co-workers by explaining how to know if the
transaction is for work or outside, such as if it is salaries, it
will be clear in the statement of the process as well as online
What did you learn from completing the tasks
1. Gain knowledge about the difference between closing
accounts receivable and credit entries on the 15th of
the month and the rest of the entries at the end of the
2. Enter restrictions in the two programs: Goyod and
3. Communication with customers
What did you want to learn more?
Preparing a sales report
Inventory account
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: ______Amal Ahmed Abuthlaim______________________
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Internship Student Report | Month #?
Start Date: __18_/_3__/_2024__
End Date: _20__/__4_/2024___
Student’s Name:Amal Ahmed Abuthlaim
Training Organization: Muath Mohammad Bosudah
for Accounting Consultancy
Student’s ID Number:190183777
Trainee Department: Owner
Trainee Supervisor Name: Muath
Faculty Member: Maysoon khojah
Course: Acct430
CRN: 24916
Academic Year/Semester: Second term
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?
I received training this month on how to compile a report on payments and
I had to figure out how to calculate the total payments for each day of the mont
h by sorting all the different payment methods:
cash, Mada network, online payment application, and online payment
through the sales report.
In the sales report, it is important to determine the discount amount, VAT, thus
Summary for Journal Voucher, noting that the cash Receivable, the credit card
Receivable, and the discount are considered a debit, and the Output VAT and
sales are a credit, and the difference between them is calculated.
One of the tasks I performed was cash reconciliation, which was done by
matching the bank statement with the company’s cash account on the balance
What skills did you learn through the month?
During this month, I learned to read and understand sales and purchase reports.
I also learned how to prepare a customs bond to clarify customs duties, port
fees, and other port fees.
How many meetings did you attend?
The meeting with the supervisor will be online in Zoom and Meeting face to
face with the manager in the office once or twice a week.
What are the difficulties you had this month?
It was difficult to understand the sales report, and in the payments report, when
there is more than one payment method, it is difficult to calculate the total
amount for each method because it takes a lot of time.
Challen How did you overcome these difficulties?
I overcame these difficulties by training the supervisor and holding several
meetings to understand the sales and payments report the application also
helped me with the trainees to understand.
What did you learn from completing the tasks
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Enter restrictions in the two programs: Goyod and Wafeq.
Auditing on Excel purchases with bank statements
What did you want to learn more?
Learning to count inventory.
Learn more about port fees
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: ___Amal Abuthlaim_________________________
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form No 4- Internship Report Cover Page
Student`s name:
Amal Ahmed Abuthlaim
Student`s ID #:
Training Organization: Muath Mohammed
Trainee Department: Muath Accounting Consulting
Bosudah for Accounting Consultancy
Field Instructor Signature:
Field Instructor Name: Mohammed
Course Title: ACCT430
Internship Start Date:14/1/2024
Internship End Date:14/5/2024
Academic Year/Semester: Second semester
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Total Training Hours /280
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained /30
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Executive Summary of Internship at Muath office
The training took place in Muath Office for Accounting Consulting for 280 hours during the
period January 14 to April 18. Muath Office is an expert in offering small and medium-sized
businesses integrated accounting services that help them organize and streamline their financial
records and give them a clear picture of their financial flows going forward. In this report, I will
talk about my accounting experience in the Muath office for Accounting Consultancy and
discuss the value this experience has had for my professional development and my long-term
objectives. During this collaborative training, I learned a great deal from my peers and received
specifics that will help me with my work in the upcoming months. While I must admit that my
university courses were helpful to me during this internship, working in actual life requires a
different mindset because strategy, cooperation, and teamwork are essential. I was able to
distinguish between genuine experience and academic knowledge during the training.
Understanding the accounting cycle and business processes is something that every accounting
major should prioritize to facilitate working with accounting software. I gained a great deal of
expertise and knowledge in accounting during my training, and one of the things I did during the
cooperative training phase was classify bills into subcategories based on the activity for which
they are directly and indirectly classified. I computed the value-added tax by entering them into
the Excel application. I also gained knowledge of how to enter daily entries into a variety of
accounting programs, such as a Daftra, Wafeq, and Qoyod. I was also taught by the supervisor
how to file a client’s tax return from the Zakat, Tax and Custom Authority. One of the fun tasks I
was taught was to go with the trainees to a breakfast restaurant and work on taking an inventory
of the raw materials inventory, the subsidiary materials inventory, and the final production
inventory. Auditing the figures on the client’s bank statement was another crucial responsibility I
was taught on. I’ve given a quick rundown of the things I did; we’ll go into more detail about
them later. In the end, I learned a lot from my coworkers and received a lot of training in the
Muath office, in addition to developing both personal and professional abilities.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
I would first want to express my gratitude to Allah Almighty for His unending blessings and for
giving me the strength to successfully complete this assignment. I am appreciative that you have
given me the opportunity to obtain practical experience. Furthermore, I owe a debt of gratitude to
Muath Bosudah, my boss in the office, for his crucial support and direction. I am deeply grateful
to my supervisor, Mohammed Mahfoodh Mahdi, for his guidance and support during this
training. And special thanks to academic supervisor / Dr. Maysoon Khojah who motivated us to
pick up knowledge and skills in the training facility. I express my gratitude to my family
members, particularly to my father, who has consistently encouraged and insisted that I finish my
studies. My mother, who never forgot me in her prayers, was another source of courage for me.
Finally, I would want to express my profound gratitude to all the Muath office staff Bader,
Abdulwahab, and Sarah, for your assistance in making my training worthwhile and successful.
The training colleagues will always be in my memory. They constituted a collaborative and
inspiring learning team. We constantly encouraged one another thank you, training
colleagues Haneen, Mona, and Shuruq .
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Table of Contents
Executive Summary of Internship at Muath office …………………………………………………………. 2
Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Chapter 1: Description of the company ………………………………………………………………………….. 5
About the training office: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
The objective of Muath office …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Muath office clients: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Geographical location and means of communication: ………………………………………………………………. 6
Supervisor and team members: ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
chart of the office …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Chart of services…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Chapter 2: Internship activities ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Tasks and Activities: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Vat Return form…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Skills and experience acquired: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Some work samples. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Motivation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
Chapter 3: Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Advantageous aspects …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Disadvantageous and challenges ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Recommendation for the training company …………………………………………………………………………… 15
Recommendations to improve training program in the college……………………………………………….. 16
References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
One of the most important aspects of a student’s academic career is his or her capacity to apply
the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their academic stage through cooperative
training. It helps the student get ready for a critical juncture in his life: making the transition
from university to job market with confidence and the knowledge, systems, and responsibilities
that come with it. Also, he will be prepared for adjustments to his immediate environment, his
social circle, and the overall vibe of the place. Along with the cognitive component of the course,
this one also taught me a lot of interpersonal skills including time management, effective
communication, and meeting deadlines for tasks. Cooperative learning helps students learn, gain
experience, and expand their knowledge.
Chapter 1: Description of the company
About the training office:
Muath Office for Accounting Consulting Experts in Financial and Accounting Transactions have
10 years’ experience in accounting and tax services. The independent Muath Office offers small
and medium-sized businesses in a range of sectors top-notch accounting services so they can
expand throughout the Kingdom with the best and best services. One of the most important
services provided to the management of the accounting books is the regular registry for the
business’s financial transactions. This registry is an essential component of the accounting
management process as it makes budgeting, making wise decisions, and preparing accurate
financial reports easier. A company may track all the data in its books through bookkeeping,
which helps it make decisions about financing, investments, and operations. For companies to
establish financial information needed to make business decisions, the financial analysis service
is also offered as part of the accounting services. Its characteristics include the analysis of sales,
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
expenses, and profitability as well as the examination of historical, significant, and risky cash
flows. It offers pay management services as well. Services for consultations include advice on
local content and the sufficiency program as well as advice on the accounting management
process, of which the most important aspect is the best use of capital. Recovering value-added
tax owed on goods and services used for business purposes is another service it offers.
The objective of Muath office
The goal of Muath office is to be the best accounting office by offering exceptional client
services and high-caliber assistance with all financial and accounting matters. Providing the high
quality that the customer is looking for, thanks to the qualified team and perfect time
management. It seeks to achieve its primary goal, which is to be a part, even if only a small one
of reaching the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 through local content.
Muath office clients:
1. Shoaib Restaurant
2. Shawish Restaurant
3. Roustro Restaurant
4. Kattan Cafe
5. Poem Cafe
6. Nahr for Contracting
7. Frykit Restaurant
Geographical location and means of communication:
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
7th Floor, Alhajri Sky Tower, Khobar,
Office: +966 547539484
Mobile: +966 501904139
Web link: https://muathoffice.com/
Email: Muath@mmaccounting.com
Supervisor and team members:
Mr. Muath, the office manager, is the final reviewer for all tasks in the office.
Mr. Mohamed is the supervisor within the office and the basic role is the primary auditor on
employee occupancy. He is also considered a financial analyst.
In Muath office, there are three employees. I will summarize the tasks of each employee within
the office. Sarah (administrative assistant)’s role is to communicate with clients about bank
statements, salaries, suppliers, and invoices to provide her with the necessary information. She
enters invoices, coordinates with new clients, and other administrative tasks. Bader and
Abdulwahab (accountant assistant) are their role. Auditing the bank statement and supplier
statement and entering daily entries into accounting programs. They are responsible for
preparing the financial statements.
chart of the office
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Muath Abu sudah
Mr. Mohameed
Mr. Walled
Amal Abdthlaim
Shuruq Abughnnyah
Hanin Al-hamzy
Mona Al-friah
Chart of services
Main services
feasibility study
Chapter 2: Internship activities
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Tasks and Activities:
Manual Journal Entries
I worked on entering the costs and assets of the business, recording the purchases in the Excel
application, and categorizing them according to how directly or indirectly they related to the
activity, and calculates the value-added tax considering the necessity of having the supplier’s tax
number, date, and invoice number, to verify them by reviewing them with the supplier’s
statement. Before entering data into accounting programs, the Excel file that contains the
customer’s purchase history is the primary source of information. As a result, accuracy in
recording data and classifying purchases is crucial. Verification is required for a variety of items,
including the availability of supplier and customer data, the tax number for large-value invoices,
and confirmation if the amount due not been paid. The bank statement and the supplier’s
statement need to be examined to confirm.
Sales report
He was trained in a simplified way, first classifying all the various payment options—cash, Mada
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
network, online payment application, and online payment through the sales report—I had to
figure out how to compute the total payments for each day of the month. Determining the
discount amount and VAT is crucial for the sales report. This leads to the Summary for Journal
Voucher noting that the cash Receivable, the credit card Receivable, and the discount are
considered a debit, and the Output VAT and sales are a credit, and the difference between them
is calculated.
Entering entries into accounting programs
I entered the daily entries in the following accounting program: Daftra, Wafeq, and Qoyod. They
do not differ from each other in entering the entries. The main reference was Excel because there
was all the correct information. The following are entered for customers: assets, expenses,
payables, and receivables.
Closing the accounts payable in accounting programs
The first step is to confirm that the client’s obligations (payables) on the balance sheet in the
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Wafeq program are correct (it’s crucial to check if the customer’s purchases excel matches the
supplier’s statement from which the purchase was made). The second step is to examine the bank
statement to see if the customer’s obligation has been paid and is listed the debtor list (i.e., the
money has been taken out of the bank). One crucial piece of information that I discovered is that
the accounts receivable and payable accounts are closed on the 15th of the month.
Auditing the bank statement
It is regarded as one of the accounting office’s most significant audit operations. Examining the
bank statement, which displays the sums coming into and going out of the bank, comes next once
recording entries are finished. I have seen that the bank that was utilized might be personal,
making an audit challenging due to the possibility of personal transfers. I have observed that a
small rise in some amounts—say, two riyals—does not have an impact on the whole sum. All
sums are generally checked, and if it is observed that the operation’s purpose is unclear, we get in
touch with the client to get further details. the registered invoices were also examined. Some
entries may be duplicated or include inaccuracies. To prevent errors, it is crucial that clients
submit precise and clear invoices and data.
Tax Declaration
I received training from the supervisor on how to file a customer’s tax return with the Zakat, Tax
and Customs Authority. Prior to applying the tax, you need to ascertain the whole amount of
purchases made by the client as well as the total amount of sales. When a customer’s total
purchases exceed his sales, he is eligible for a refund of the added value tax, which is what is
known as a refund of the tax amount. An explanation of the form is provided below.
Vat Return form.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
When I got to the restaurant, the staff gave me assistance getting into the warehouse. The
quantity of each product such as coffee, eggs, and candiesthat was used to make the final goods
that were sold to the client had to be determined. The inventory’s purpose was to determine the
quantity that was available and whether the restaurant was making money, therefore I was
curious about how much wheat, sugar, butter, and other ingredients were there. We may also
determine whether there was theft or waste. There was also the task of categorizing each product
into primary, secondary, or final inventory once I had recorded its quantities and units.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Skills and experience acquired:
My ability to work and adapt in a professional setting, communicate with clients effectively,
work under pressure during busy periods, collaborate with others to complete things on schedule,
and manage my time at work all contributed to my ability to finish jobs more quickly. The ability
to share knowledge, experiences, and work together is one of the members’ useful qualities. The
following are examples of cognitive skills: using accounting software, learning acronyms,
practicing Excel, and entering daily entries. Additionally, it enhances the efficiency of data
analysis tasks like data reconciliation and checking. I feel like I now have a solid understanding
of the accounting cycle, which is the foundation of accounting.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Some work samples.
Although I didn’t receive money as compensation, I did obtain moral benefits like:
1. The director and supervisor have expressed gratitude and compliments.
2. supporting my decision to keep up my training.
3. Offering courses in accounting to facilitate a clear and simple understanding of accounting.
4. helping staff and seeing to see that the trainee learns as much as possible
Chapter 3: Recommendations
Advantageous aspects
For the student, cooperative training is a great chance because it prepares him for the workforce.
I was able to practice what I had learnt at my university stage in a more lucid manner and get
valuable practical experience during my training phase in Muath office. I gained a greater
understanding of the accounting specialization thanks to the training. In a short period of time, I
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
also acquired knowledge and expertise. Making new friends and fostering socialization are two
advantages of personal training. He can converse with and interact with the public. Direct
communication with staff members is one of the advantages of training.
Disadvantageous and challenges
I had a lot of challenges when I first started the program, including adjusting to the work
atmosphere and working long hours. My inability to grasp acronyms and work quickly with
Excel was one of my issues. Since large invoices contain precise financial information about
both the supplier and the client, I initially had trouble registering them. I had trouble utilizing
accounting software as well. Although it took me a long time to become used to utilizing them, I
was able to do so with the assistance of my coworkers, staff, andsupervision. but I overcome
these challenges, and I successfully enhanced my performance over time. The difference
between scientific understanding and the realities of the workplace was one of the issues I
encountered. To make handling financial and accounting transactions easier, it takes greater
experience and a foundation in accounting. Some employees’ tardiness causes assignments to be
delayed or not given at all since you are a new trainee, which is one of the drawbacks.
Recommendation for the training company
People differ in their skills and expertise, so the organization needs to gradually and diversifiedly
allocate duties. Let the student select tasks that work best for him as well, so he can use the time
to practice new skills gradually and apply what he already knows. A balance between hard and
soft talents must be struck by the organization. Offering the student an financial award for their
achievements is another recommendation I have. Last but not least, I advise universities to
interact with their students and find out what they are interested in learning. Students will take a
course that they are enthusiastic about and want to learn about, thanks to this guarantee. Training
and education will go more smoothly as a result.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Recommendations to improve training program in the college.
recognizing the growing importance of technology in the accounting profession and providing
students with relevant and technology-focused skills covering areas like accounting software,
data analysis tools, and providing access to accounting software and data analysis platforms for
practical experience. I also recommend helping students develop the professional skills necessary
to excel in their careers. I would like the university to provide cooperative training facilities that
would make it easier for the student to choose the company that serves his university major. I
would also like to see the duration of the cooperative training period increased and lectures given
to students who are about to undergo training to increase awareness and prepare for the new
stage. giving talks or classes on leadership, collaboration, ethical issues in accounting, and
communication techniques.
As we near the end of this review, I must admit that the experience was valuable and will always
be regarded as the beginning of my career. It was truly a hands-on learning experience. I now
have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of work agreements, including how to handle
coworkers, supervisors, stress at work, and long hours. But most importantly, I know how to
increase my productivity and manage my time to get the most out of my work. I also learned
more about accounting and how it is used in the workplace. Lastly, I have gained valuable
insights from this experience that I should keep researching to further enhance my knowledge
and abilities to best serve my work for the sake of my profession and the organization I work for.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Eldenburg, L. G., & Wolcott, S. K. (2011). Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and
Motivating Performance. Wiley.
Baker, R., Christensen, T., & Cottrell, D. (2012). Essentials of advanced financial accounting
(1st ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBNs: 9780078025648 (print); 9780077505240
Romney, M. B., & Paul J. Steinbart, P. J. (2012). Accounting information systems (12th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0132552622 (print); 9780132552639 (e-text).
Income tax law – world trade organization. Available at:
Brewer, P.C., Garrison, R.H. & Noreen, E.W. (2013). Introduction to Managerial Accounting
(6th). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 9780078025419.

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By sending us your money, you buy the service we provide. Check out our terms and conditions if you prefer business talks to be laid out in official language.

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